Sing Into Your Storm

Timothy D. Johnson has written a helpful guide on learning how to overcome adversity in the storms of life through High Praise. "Sing Into Your Storm" will challenge the reader to press into a place in Christ that can only be reached by faith, obedience and worship. Once understood, and put into practice, the believer can develop powerful strength from the Lord to help them navigate even the most raging storms. This book would Bless a family member or friend in the midst of difficult storm...

Sing Into your


Timothy D. Johnson

©2015 Timothy D. Johnson Printed by BT Johnson Publishing Toll Free: 1-866-260-9563

Unless stated, Scripture quotes are New King James Version. THE NEW KING JAMES VERSION, (NKJV) Copyright © 1982, Thomas Nelson, Inc. Scripture quotations also taken from the Amplified ® Bible Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foundation Used by permission." (

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Printed in the United States of America ISBN: 978-1-938311-18-5


My deepest love and appreciation to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, whose relentless pursuit, apprehended my heart. He put a new song in my heart! It was Eternal Love Song that we will continue to sing together forever … as a duet! It is called The Song of the Lamb ! And to my precious wife Betty, whose love, encouragement, sacrifice, patience and laughter have proven to be a most profound gift to me. Betty, I cherish you! Your worth is far above rubies!

a table of treasures

Heaven Song………………………..……………….………...… 7 The Song of Miriam……………………………… . …………… 25 The Judah Song………………………………… . ………...…… 3 7 The Song of Jehoshaphat…………………………………..….. 49 The Song of David I ………………………… ... ……………..… 6 1 The Song of Habakkuk………………………………..…… . … 89 The Songs of Deliverance …………………………...…..……10 7 The Song of the Barren………………………………………. 1 19 The Song of Deborah………………………………………… 1 29 The Spiritual Songs ………… . ……………………………….. 13 7 The Songs of War………………………………….…………. 1 49 The Song of Songs………………………………….………… 1 61 The Song of David II…………………………………….…… 1 75 The Shiggaion Song……………………….……………… .....1 85 The Song of Moses……………………………………...…… .1 93 The Eternal Song……………………………………………... 20 3

Heaven song

“the sound of many waters”

he Scriptures provide us with a preponderance of evidence that the beauty of song existed in Heaven long before time began, and was used to exalt the Lord our God with glorious processions of worship all around His Throne. Scripture teaches us that before the foundations of the world were laid, (which we shall call eternity past) Lucifer (now called Satan) was the Chief Musician of Heaven – who lead unending, ecstatic praise and worship unto Him that sits on the Throne... Lucifer was at some point in eternity past, created by God. The Bible says that he was adorned at the time of his creation with tambourines and flutes. “… The workmanship of your timbrels and pipes was prepared for you on the day you were created.” (Ezekiel 28:13) At the very dawn of creation, (Genesis) the Bible tell us that all of the angels were in joyful assembly, singing and worshipping their Creator God:

“ The morning stars (angels) sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy !” (Job 38:7)

Even at the fall of Lucifer from Heaven… the Bible tells us:

“ Your pomp is brought down to Sheol, with the sound of your stringed instrument. ” (Isaiah 14:11)

Through these precious glimpses into eternity past and at the time of creation, when God laid the foundations of the earth,


it is clear that Heaven Song continually filled the very atmosphere around the Throne of God! One the most beautiful insights into worship and the Heaven Song being lifted up before this same Throne of God, is from the Book of Revelation. St. John the Divine was lifted up into Heaven through an extraordinary revelatory experience and was allowed later even to write about the things he saw. What did John see? What did John write? He said that he saw a “Lamb…” Certainly there were many things in Heaven that might have caught John’s attention, but the one thing he was transfixed upon was The Lamb in the center of the Throne! “ Then I looked, and behold, a Lamb standing on Mount Zion, and with Him, one hundred and forty-four thousand, having His Father’s name written on their foreheads. And I heard a voice from Heaven, like the sound of many waters… like the voice of loud thunder. And I heard the sound of harpists playing their harps. They sang as it were a new song before the T hrone…” (Revelation 14:2) The “ sound of many waters” This gives us a glorious picture of deep, intimate worship before the Throne of God. The very word sound translated means a tone that arises from musical instruments, coupled with speech , language , and utterances ( song ) coming from a thunderous multitude of people from every nation, tribe and tongue - numerous in attendance, representing many streams ( waters ) flowing together to form a river of praise! It is the sound of many waters … Heaven Song ! A transparent company of worshippers, forming a pure, crystal sea of holy and undefiled lovers, singing in perfect harmony, and burning in fiery zeal and passion for The Lamb of God. John described it this way:


“ And I saw what looked like a sea of glass, mingled with fire…” (Re velation 15:2)

Can you imagine what it must have been like to see what John was describing? A river so pure it appeared like liquid crystal to his vision, mingled with the holy fire of millions of ardent worshippers in total abandonment of high praise being lifted up unto the King of Kings! “ And he showed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding from the Throne of God and The Lamb... ” (Revelation 22:1) Welcome to the Throne of the Almighty God and of The Lamb who “ seemed to have been slain. ” This place is also your Eternal home, the very place where you will dwell forever! to an innumerable company of angels, to the general assembly and church of the Firstborn … whose names are registered in Heaven, and to God, the Judge of all, to the spirits of just men made perfect, to Jesus the Mediator of the New Covenant, and to the Blood of sprinkling that speaks better things than that of Abel. ” (Hebrews 12:22-24) Did you get that? That you… yes you … have already been registered (past tense) in that very place called Heaven, for this is what the Word of God declares concerning you: “ The L ORD loves the gates of Zion, more than all the dwellings of Jacob! Glorious things are spoken of you, O city of God! Selah. This one was born there... And of Zion it will be said, this one and that one was born in her; and the Most High Himself shall establish her. The L ORD will record , when He registers the peoples: This one was born there. Selah. Both the singers and the players on instruments say (sing) all my springs (fountains) are in Y ou.” (Psalms 87:2-7) “For you have come to Mount Zion, and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem,


You were not only created for praise, but ordained for it! So when did this registration of names take place? The Bible says that The Lamb’s Book of Life, in which your name was recorded was:

“ Written before the foundation of the world… of T he Lamb who has been slain.” (Revelation 13:8)

If we understand the Word of God correctly, then you were recorded in the Lamb’s Book of Life somewhere before God laid the foundations of the earth! How amazing! But the recording of your name goes even much further than just in His Book… The Lord has even registered you upon Himself!

“ See, I have inscribed (engraved) you on the palms of My hands; your walls are continually before Me.” (Isaiah 49:16)

You might ask is this speaking of me ? Does this refer to me personally? The Word of God teaches us that:

“I f you were “ Buried with Him in baptism; you were also raised with Him through faith through the working of God.” (Colossians 2:12),

“ And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with Him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus …” (Ephesians 2:6)

In both instances the word “ raised ” is past tense, meaning th at the act has already happened! What is our purpose in being elevated to this place? You were created for worship! You have a participatory place before the Throne of God! There are no spectators in Heaven just doing their own thing…

You have a rightful and purposeful place right now before the Throne of God. Not as a spectator, but rather as the Redeemed


of the Lord!! There is an order to Heavenly worship that you have been called to join that you have been seated before the Throne of God to fulfill. Your worship before the Throne was all part of God’s Eternal Plan! “ In Him also we have obtained an inheritance, having been pre-destined according to His purpose, who works all things after the counsel of His will, to the end that we who were the first to hope in Christ would be to the praise of His Glory .” (Ephesians 1:11-12) So join the Royal procession before the Throne of God! You have been called to worship (Praise) and priestly intercession according to the protocols of Heaven!

For you are “ A chosen generation, a Royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness, into His marvelous light.” (1 Peter 2:0)

“So let the redeemed of the Lord say so!” (Psalms 107:20)

Yes, you are the Redeemed of the Lord, and have been called to declare His praises in song! You were destined forever sing His praise! Heaven Song !! Can you imagine joining in during the casting of the crowns, and the falling prostrate before His awesome Glory in awe and wonder and ministering unto the Majesty of the King of Kings unendingly? Gazing and beholding Jesus in the beauty in Holiness … Then joining with the Lord in fervent, priestly intercession unto The Father. What a glorious picture of some of the roles we see in the order of worship in Heaven that you have been called to join!


So all around the Throne we find harmonious and majestic praise, including a company of innumerable angels of all different kinds and ranks, who never stop worshipping the One who sits on The Throne! Scholars believe that the Seraphim Angels rank as the highest in angelic order because of their Divine Love & Zeal, reportedly outranking even the covering Cherubim angels! Could you envision being surrounded by the great cloud of witnesses, (the Saints of all time), the 24 Elders, and the Four Living Creatures, completely engulfed in a symphonic ecstasy of praise and worship to The Living God? As incredible as this all is… It is not all that happens in Heaven… The Bible shows us that even the Lord God Himself moves powerfully in Heaven Song ! Zephaniah saw this in his day and recorded it! Yes, the Lord sings! The Lord rejoices over you! “ For the LORD your God is in your midst, the Mighty One, will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness, He will quiet you with His L ove, He will rejoice over you with singing.” (Zephaniah 3:17) Jesus singing? How long has Jesus been singing? The book of Hebrews tells us that the eternal God is unchanging , as He always was, He still is today and will b e forever more.

“ Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. ” (Hebrews 13:8)

“ For I am the L ORD , I change not.” (Malachi 3:6)


This revelation then begs the question… Just how long do you think the Lord has been singing over us? Just since the days when Zephaniah recorded his writings? Or is it possible that God has been singing over us for far longer than that? Would it be a reach to you to imagine the Lord singing over you, and about you - all the way back into eternity past? Just consider this… The Bible says that God certainly knew us that far back! Perhaps a closer look at a weight of Scripture will help us see the Lord’s i ntentionality towards us before time:

“…Just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love.” (Ephesians 1:4)

“… And that He might make known the riches of His glory on the vessels of mercy, which He had pre-pared before-hand for G lory.” (Romans 9:23)

“ For whom He fore-knew , He also pre-destined to be conformed to the image of His Son…” (Romans 8:29)

Holy Wow!! Can Scripture give us an even closer look at this? Yes! There are amazing glimpses in Scripture concerning you that allow you to see what was in the eternal intention of God, and His heavenly orchestration. The Word enables you to see the plans and purposes that the Lord was developing in His mind and His heart from before time! Just to clarify what we mean, what we are talking about is time long before the actual creation of man and this world Perhaps better said, we are simply referring to portions of the Word of God as pointing to eternity past, the time from before the foundation of the earth…


In Psalms 139, the sweet psalmist of Israel, King David, recorded profound revelatory insight into the intentionality of the God of Heaven concerning his life in eternity past – before time ever began, and we know this revelation is reliable because it came directly from the Holy Scriptures:

“ All Scripture is given by inspiration of God .” (2 Timothy 3:16)

David declared in Psalm 139 that:

A. That God knew everything about David (vs. 1-4) B. That God created every part of him (vs. 13, 14) C. That God recorded the secrets of David’s creation be-fore he was ever born - in His Book (vs. 13-16) D.That God had all of fashioned David’s days (ordained them) be-fore there ever was one (vs. 16) E. That God’ s thoughts from eternity about David outnumbered the sands of the seashore (vs. 17-18) In Jeremiah Chapter 1, the Lord makes an extraordinary comment to the young prophet: A. “ Be-fore I formed you in the womb, I knew you; Be-fore you were born, I sanctified you; I ordained you as a prophet to the nations.” Talk about revelation! It might do us well to more definitively understand the choice of words the Lord used in communicating to Jeremiah, and the eternal plans and purposes that God had made concerning Jeremiah, be-fore he was ever born. It would help us to understand as well, that like Jeremiah and David, you too were not just an afterthought in the mind and heart of God from eternity past…. Here is more insight into those words and their meaning: 1. Before : indicates before birth or one’s coming forth


2. Knew : have knowledge of, acquainted with before 3. Sanctified : declared as holy, consecrated, set apart 4. Ordained : make, form, constitute towards a destiny

So here the Lord has chosen to reveal how well acquainted and purposeful He is in the lives of His people - from eternity past!

As the Lord spoke to Israel (as they were entering captivity in Babylon), even then, He reveals His heart for them – not on the spur of the moment, but well considered , deliberate and intentional towards their well-being (even in judgment …)

“ For I know the thoughts (meditations, purposes, plots) that I think towards you, says the L ORD , thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. ” (Jeremiah 29:11)

We know this had to be true because referring to these Scriptures, Jeremiah was prophesying about God’s intentions to Israel beyond the 70 years’ captivity that they were just about to enter into when the prophecy was declared! Our God is intentional concerning us too! We can see and know that God has spent much of eternity past contemplating and planning , and then ordaining and fashioning the lives of His people, including you !

The Bible says that God:

“ God Knows and declares the end from the beginning, and from ancient times things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all of My good pleasure.” (Isaiah 46:10) “A man’s steps are ordered (ordained) of the Lord.” (Proverbs 20:24)


God has a plan for you that He has been fashioning from eternity past!

Author’s Note: The writer of this book is zealously committed to honoring the tenants of the Word of God, including the exhortation to:

“Not going beyond what is written ” (1 Corinthians 4:6)

But the rest of this chapter was written from a standpoint of contemplating the Scriptures. One might consider the closing portion of this chapter as expounding upon the Word of God, while another might classify it as conjecture … The motivation for such discourse is to stir your thinking, to ponder (but not wander) and meditate upon the Word of God! The author believes their is substance in what ’ s written in the closing part of this chapter. I challenge each reader to ponder the possibilities … May you too experience a witness in the Spirit, that the Lord may give you concerning these matters! The school of thought discussed below, can only have its final rendering determined by each and every reader individually . This text is written primarily in the form of a question, to provoke thought and meditation on the Scriptures. The author would highly recommend reading (or re-reading) “Destined for the Throne” by Paul Billheimer , and “ God ’ s Ultimate Intention” by Dr. Devern Fromke. These are


excellent supporting reference books on the subject, ( Paul’s book was even endorsed by Billy Graham).

So h ere we go…

So if God has pondered your precious life over and over, with the purpose that you would ultimately become the eventual Bride of the Lamb , meaning, you have been destined to become the very Spouse of God.. . Wouldn’t you think from the echelons of eternity past that the Lord has dreamed about you and delighted over you countless times, and that He has even rejoiced over you , with deep longing in His heart? After all, it is these special ones who will one day become His Bride, and fulfill the eternal purpose of God – that is Jesus marrying the Bridal Church for which He laid down His life! Since we know from the Book of Zephaniah that the Lord rejoices over you and sings over you – have you ever wondered just what He might have been singing over you from eternity? In the midst of all His thoughts , intentions and plans for you - which Scripture tells us are indeed from before the foundation of the earth, could His song have been a prophetic declaration of who was to come for His Bride, and singing about His Love and His plans for her ultimate destiny? Is that too much of a reach to believe? So if you could believe this was true, that the Lord has sang over you from eternity past, can you fathom to what length and substance that God has sang about concerning His dreams for you, since we know His thoughts and plans for you have been as numerous as the sands of the seashore? Could God’s songs for you be as numerous as His thoughts for you as well?


Could it be that Jesus has been singing an eternal Love Song from eternity not only about you, but also to you , His future Bride? If that were true, can you even begin to imagine what an amazing song that must be? An intimate, Bridal Love Song to you personally ! Holy Wow! Another very important thought to ponder … Throughout the book of Revelation, John the Beloved continually sees Jesus as “ The Lamb who sits on the Throne.” Though he hears a Lion, he sees a Lamb … How long do you think there has been imagery of Jesus as The Lamb sitting on the Throne? The Book of Life was written before Adam was created! And this Book was not just a “Book of Life” because the Bible calls it The Lamb’s Book of Life! And we know from the Scriptures that it was written be-fore the foundation of the earth.” Would you agree this supports Jesus as The Lamb of God from eternity past? Does this not give sufficient weight to the idea that Jesus was as the likeness of The Lamb who sits on the Throne long be-fore time began? Does not the Word of God also say that the Lamb of God was slain from before the foundation of the earth?

“… the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. (Revelation 13:8)

As this “ picture from Scripture ” develops, it becomes easier to see the pre-meditation of God and the eternal purposes of His Son as The Lamb unfold from eternity past - for the very purpose of The Lamb was the redemption of man and the purchase of His Bride! You can always closely associate the


purpose of The Lamb and the Bride all the way to the end of the Book of Revelation – for she is the New Jerusalem!

“… Come hither, I will shew thee the bride, the Lamb's wife . And he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain, and shewed me that great city, the holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God, (Revelation 21:9-10)

Upon first seeing Jesus as the Messiah, the first words out of the mouth of John the Baptist was:

“Behold The Lamb of God, who taketh away the sins of the world.” (Johns 1:29)

Jesus was not only The Lamb before Calvar y… Jesus was The Lamb before time, Jesus is The Eternal Lamb of God!

So now you can begin to see and understand that it was The Lamb who has been singing over you from eternity past. This then begs the question; just what do you think The Lamb of God might have been singing ? Again, would it be too far of a reach to imagine that Jesus has been singing His “ Song of the Lamb ” over you from eternity past? What else could The Lamb of God be singing about – since you are the ultimate longing and Love of His heart! His everlasting Love! Holy jumping up and down Martha!!! If the Song of Moses was taught, written and sang by Moses, wouldn’t you think that The Song of the Lamb has been both written and sang by The Lamb Himself?


Think of the most incredible worship experiences you have ever encountered… After pouring out your Love to The Lamb Who Sits on the Throne – hasn’t Jesus always responded back, affirming His Love for you in those moments as well? You could call this a Duet! Could this very Song of the Lamb be a duet, having interactive participation from both the initiator/author Christ Jesus, and from the object of His affection – the Bride, as an eternal Love Song with parts for both the Bridegroom and the Bride to sing over each other? Could the Bridegroom have left “ open stanzas ” for the Bride to join in singing portions of this song back to The Lamb spontaneously through eternity in a Love response to His deep and abiding Love?

Doesn’t the Bible say there will be victorious overcomers in Heaven who will sing this song?

“ And they sing The Song of Moses and The Song of the Lamb. ” (Revelation 15:3)

Why two songs? Could the first song (of Moses) be about declaring the mighty deliverance(s) of God to free His Bride , so she can sing The Song of the Lamb - the greatest Love Story ever told? Could The Song of the Lamb be a beautiful Love Song concerning a wedding take is to take place in eternity, a wedding that was ordained before time ever began? Could The Song of the Lamb be a song about your Wedding!

Can you imagine in the expanse of eternity past – before creation… the Throne Room of God and the One sitting upon


the Throne in blazing fire and brilliant Glory – adorned all around by the 24 Elders, the Living Creatures, the Seraphim and Cherubim angels, along with an innumerable hosts of other kinds of angels all in harmonious adoration unt o God… And then the Lamb seated upon the Throne beginning to sing a song never heard before in Heaven. He starts singing about a heart coming into creation that would be just like His, pure and Holy, a heart that that would Love just like He loves… As He continues His song. The Lamb sings about eyes that could gaze upon Him as He gazes back upon them so they both can look into each other’s eyes … both sets of eyes filled with passionate fire. Then The Lamb begins singing about ears that could hear the sweet song He is singing ... The Lamb continues to sing about arms that could reach out to hold Him and so that He could hold her, and then to the adding of hands so as to hold, to touch, to cherish … As this song continues, He sings of legs that could walk with Him, and go everywhere He goes. Then this song continues until a fully formed Bride is in His sight, brought forth by His vision, wisdom and creative power. And then He breathes His breath of life into her so that she becomes a living soul made in His image. Bone of His bone, flesh of His flesh with the purpose of being His eternal companion for all eternity – the two becoming One! The Lord is singing this song! What else could He be singing about other than the very thing that ravishes His heart? Coupled with His omniscient (all knowing, all wisdom), and omnipotent (all powerful) power… could it be possible that this new concept never before heard of in eternity past, that


this betrothed wife for The Lamb might have even had her very origins born right out of the heart and mind of The Lamb as He sang His Song across the known Heaven? Could you have been birthed in the heart of Jesus as He sang about you in His Song of the Lamb ? If this were true, wouldn’t this be the most incredible Love Story in Eternity? A Bride, actually made in God’s image, literally becoming the next of kin to the very Godhead, forever destined to be The Lamb’s Wife? Would this not be the most glorious thing you have ever heard? The Bride, full of His Glory!

“For the Glory of a Man is His Wife.” (1 Corinthians 11:7)


Many believe that Lucifer had among the deepest and the closest relationship to the God who sits the Throne of any created being ever , so much so that Lucifer was the covering Cherub over this very Throne. As the Chief Musician of Heaven, he continuously led a symphonic orchestra of praise with an innumerable company of angels into a never ending crescendo of ecstatic and glorious worship unto the Almighty God. - Who knows how many billions or trillions of man years this went on?

Somewhere along the courses of Heaven, could revelation have come forth from the Song of the Lamb , revealing The


Lamb’s intention to create for Himself, a wife that will one-day sit with Him as co-regent, and rule and reign with Him on His Throne forever ? Enraptured in the Shekinah Glory of God’s Presence & Beauty incessantly, how might this news have affected Lucifer? We know from Scripture that something happened that came between Lucifer and the God who sits on the Throne… What shattering event could have taken Lucifer out of such a deep realm of glory? Could he have been jolted by the news that The Lamb was going to create a wife for Himself with far more privilege and relationship to God than even Lucifer enjoyed? Could that have been the very thing that obstructed his continuous worship of God for so long? Could this have birthed envy ? Could this have sent him over the edge? The Lamb’s Wife would be made in the express image of God and be joined to The Lamb forever, and sit with Him on His Throne which was something Lucifer would never have the privilege to do. Was it this revelation that began to spurn his hatred towards God and this new creation? So much so that it would fuel his ultimate determination to spend all his time and energy trying to hurt and separate this new creation from God, doing everything in his power to prevent her from ever attending her bridal day at the Marriage Supper of The Lamb ?


Heaven Song is a very special gift that the Lord has given to you! It enables you to offer deep worship unto The Lamb . It can be prophetic, declarative, powerful, glorious, and eternal. Through the course of this book, you will see from Scripture how this precious gift of God can also become mighty weapons in the midst of the storms that come into your life. Through Heaven Song you can learn to overcome all adversity and simultaneously give God the highest worship that He is so worthy of! With Heaven Song you can pass through your Red Sea with praise – right through the impassible way!!

Join the heaven song!!


The song of Miriam

“right song – wrong side”

he Great Deliverance of the children of Israel out of Egypt (the House of Bondage) stands as one the Bible’s most incredib le displays of God’s Mighty Power . For over 400 years, the offspring of Abraham were mercilessly oppressed under slavery under the weight of heavy taskmasters. The burde ning “cry” from the slaves reached the ears (Heart) of God, with a desperate cry that came from the deepest place of anguish and torment a soul could ever know.

“And the L ord said: I have surely seen the oppression (affliction) of My people who are in Egypt, and have heard their cry because of their taskmasters, for I know their sorrows.” (Exodus 3:7)

Could you imagine being born into the House of Bondage during that time? From the moment your eyes see the light of day at birth, until the moment your eyes were closed in death, the entirety of your life would have only know pain, suffering and toil. An entire life lived in captivity, never knowing the joy of even a single day of freedom. The torture of this imprisonment continued from generation to generation, with hope fading into a distant thing of the past. Why was God not answering them during their great distress? Where was the Covenant that Yahweh cut with Abraham and his descendants? Had not the Lord Himself promised that He would bless Abraham’s descendants, and give them the land of Canaan? How could they even believe something like that while prisoners in the land of sorrows?


But the Lord God did have a plan:

“Because the L ORD loves you, and because He would keep the oath which He swore to your fathers, the L ORD has brought you out with a mighty hand, and redeemed you from the house of bondage, from the hand of Pharaoh, King of Egypt. Therefore, know that the L ORD your God, He is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and mercy for a thousand generations with those who love Him and keep His commandments. ” (Deuteronomy 7:8-9)

And lead them out He did!

“Remember this day, in which you went out of Egypt, out of the house of bondage; for by the strength of hand the Lord brought you out of this place.” (Exodus 13:3)

But God intentionally didn’t lead them what was the expected path towards Canaan and neither will He lead you in an expected path ! The most likely route for their journey to Canaan and The Promised Land was by way of the Philistines, for it was the nearest, most convenient pathway. But God had a more specific plan He was orchestrating …

“ So the children of Israel went around by way of the Wilderness of the Red Sea. Even so, they marched in orderly ranks. ” (Exodus 13:17)

The children of Israel were led out of Egypt in tribal pageantry with the Shekinah Presence of God going before them day and night as a cloud by day, and a fire by night! The Lord intentionally led them to camp by the sea. They were at the height of faith and confidence! The Word of God says:

“T he children of Israel went out in boldness .” (Exodus 14:8)


But the Lord had hardened the heart of Pharaoh, so much so that Pharaoh regretted letting the Israelites go, so he sent all of his horses, chariots and armies to pursue them! The armies of Pharaoh surrounded Israelites at their encampment by the sea. The stage was being set! There was nowhere for them to go! The impassible sea was in front of them and the angry Egyptian army encircled all of the other side. They had three choices… Surrender, fight or trust God. But the children of Israel decided to trust their eyes and not their God. Suddenly now gripped with great fear and panic (what happened to the boldness ), they forgot about the great deliverance that the Lord had just brought through by His Mighty Power , or the powerful miracles of the ten plagues God had brought upon Egypt. They forgot about carrying out the wealth of Egypt, and being delivered out of Egypt by the very Glory Presence of God in a cloud by day, fire by night! In an instant, the Israelites underwent a massive change of heart. Now consumed with fear, they:

“…Cried out unto the Lord.” (Exodus 14:10).

But their cry was not a heart cry of faith or expectancy in their God. Blinded from even the thought of breakthrough, they then turned on Moses with insolence and contemptuous rage:

“Because there were no graves in Egypt, have you taken us away to die in the wilderness? Why have you so dealt with us, to bring us out of Egypt?” For it would have been better for us to serve the Egyptians than we should die in the wilderness.” (Exodus 14:11-12)

This was the very point, place and time where God revealed His intention in bringing them to this place of encounter .


Remember it was God who had intentionally led them to this specific place, (instead of taking them by way of the far more convenient road that led through Philistia towards Canaan). It was also the Lord who had hardened Pharaoh’s heart, causing him to relent about freeing the children of Israel and then deciding to go back after them again. It was God, who in His wisdom, had set this stage – there at the Sea of Reeds called “yam suph” in Hebrew (later referred to as the Red Sea).

Then the Lord spoke to Moses:

“Why do you cry to Me? Tell the children of Israel to go forward !” (Exodus 14:15)

Forward? That meant marching directly towards the water! So that was the plan God had for the children of Israel all along? Now the Lord had every intention of delivering His people... But He wanted to teach them His ways - by taking a step of faith first - in the midst of their first storm outside of Egypt. God was about to demonstrate to the most powerful ruler and most feared army upon the face of the earth, the raw Power, Glory and Faithfulness of the God of Israel! So Moses prophesied to them how the Lord was about to deliver them:

“Stand still and see the Salvation of the Lord that He will accomplish for you today …The Lord will fight for you, and you shall see His peace. ” (Exodus 14: 13-14)

In the same way, your God has every intention of delivering you through your storms too! He longs for you to set your eyes on Him, taking your first steps forward as you walk right in and through the impassible way, singing into your Red Sea!


“ For many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the L ORD delivers them out of them all .” (Psalms 34:19)

Then suddenly the Cloud Presence of God appeared, descending right down upon the children of Israel, separating them from the Egyptian armies. As night fell, that Presence became like a wall of fire keeping the Egyptians back from attacking them all night. It was a firewall of God’s Shekinah Glory protecting them! God’s Glory can come and surround you in the midst of your enemies, as you are encountering raging storms!

“But You, O L ORD , are a shield for me, My glory and the One who lifts up my head. I cried to the L ORD with my voice, And He heard me from His holy hill. (Psalm 3:3-4)

“The Glory of God may be your rear guard.” (Isaiah 58:8)

“ For I, declares the LORD, will be a wall of fire around her, and I will be the Glory in her midst.” (Zechariah 2:5)

As Moses stretched his hand out over the sea, it suddenly divided into a wall of water on both the left and the right sides. The children of Israel passed through – on dry ground! Eventually the Egyptian army was able to pursue them, and when they were fully inside the midst of the sea passage, the waters suddenly came swiftly down upon them. Not even one from the Egyptian army survived! When the Children of Israel reached the other side, then they began to sing victoriously. They sang The Song of Moses and The Song of Miriam . These were songs of triumph in the Lord!


The Song of Moses

Then Moses and the children of Israel sang this song to the L ORD , and spoke, saying:

“I will sing to the L ORD , For He has triumphed gloriously! The horse and its rider He has thrown into the sea! The L ORD is my strength and song , And He has become my salvation; He is my God, and I will praise Him; My father’s God, and I will exalt Him. The L ORD is a man of war; The L ORD is His name.

Pharaoh’s chariots and his army He has cast into the sea; His chosen captains also are drowned in the Red Sea. The depths have covered them; They sank to the bottom like a stone. Your right hand, O L ORD , has become glorious in power; Your right hand, O L ORD , has dashed the enemy in pieces. And in the greatness of Your excellence You have overthrown those who rose against You; You sent forth Your wrath; It consumed them like stubble.

And with the blast of Your nostrils The waters were gathered together; The floods stood upright like a heap; The depths congealed in the heart of the sea. The enemy said, I will pursue, I will overtake, I will divide the spoil; My desire shall be satisfied on them. I will draw my sword,

My hand shall destroy them. You blew with Your wind, 30

The sea covered them; They sank like lead in the mighty waters. Who is like You, O L ORD , among the gods? Who is like You, glorious in holiness, Fearful in praises, doing wonders? You stretched out Your right hand; The earth swallowed them. You in Your mercy have led forth The people whom You have redeemed; You have guided them in Your strength To Your holy habitation. “The people will hear and be afraid; Sorrow will take hold of the inhabitants of Philistia. Then the chiefs of Edom will be dismayed; The mighty men of Moab, Trembling will take hold of them; All the inhabitants of Canaan will melt away. Fear and dread will fall on them;

By the greatness of Your arm They will be as still as a stone, Till Your people pass over, O L ORD , Till the people pass over Whom You have purchased.

You will bring them in and plant them In the mountain of Your inheritance, In the place, O L ORD , which You have made For Your own dwelling, The sanctuary, O Lord, which Your hands have established. The L ORD shall reign forever and ever.” (Exodus 15:1-18)


The Song of Miriam

Then Miriam the prophetess, the sister of Aaron, took the timbrel in her hand; and all the women went out after her with timbrels and with dances. And Miriam answered them:

“Sing to the L ORD , For He has triumphed gloriously! The horse and its rider He has thrown into the sea!” (Exodus 15:20-21)

What an incredible picture of triumphant praise, as the children of Israel were celebrating the great and mighty deliverance from the hands of Pharaoh and his armies, all with such dramatic and glorious splendor! Within just three days of this unprecedented exaltation of their God, these same cheerful, and jubilant people turned from awesome rejoicing throng into a great murmuring people at the waters of Marah, where the waters had become bitter. (Marah means bitter ).

“ Now when they came to Marah, they could not drink the waters of Marah, for they were bitter. Therefore, the name of it was called Marah. And the people complained against Moses, saying, what shall we drink?” (Exodus 15: 23-24)

Can you believe there was only perhaps seventy-two hours removed from what had been one of the greatest displays of miracles that any generation (even until now) had ever seen! What happened to their faith? How did their faith fail them so quickly? What happened to their very confidence in God? I believe they might well have missed a huge opportunity back at the Red Sea to have their faith powerfully strengthened – enough so, that it would have been strong


enough for them to face the soon coming testing at the waters of Marah. You see, in the midst of their storm at the Red Sea, as they were pressed up against the sea and found themselves surrounded by the angry armies of Pharaoh (with other way of escape), their boldness turned to fear… Their eyes were focused on the circumstance s (Pharaoh’s Army) rather than God. As a result, they became angry and began murmuring. They had lost their faith and blamed Moses for leading them out there to their “seeming” death , being totally void in mind of all the spectacular miracles God had just performed while bringing them out of Egypt. A loss of faith can happen to our hearts too when we take our eyes off of God. Had they just responded in bold faith – with confidence that their God of Mighty Power would deliver them just as He did before - they might have passed through the Red Sea on their own faith, instead of riding upon the faith of Moses! What if they had corporately began to sing (prophetically) on this side of the Red Sea in harmonious worship, faith and expectancy in their God right into their storm? Could not have Miriam led out with a spontaneous prophetic song of the Lord singing The Song of Miriam ? Miriam a prophetess… the Bible tells us so:

“Then Miriam the prophetess began to…” (Exodus 15:20)

Can you imagine what level of faith might have been established in their hearts if with their backs against the wall, (and everything on the line) if they had chosen to exalt the Lord right there on the spot, with Miriam taking up the


timbrels and leading the children of Israel into triumphant praise as they marched right down into the sea , dancing, singing and declaring the faithfulness, power and Love of their God! What an amazing breakthrough they might have experienced through stirred faith, singing a prophetic song of deliverance, and witnessing the mighty hand of God coming and performing the very thing they were singing and declaring about - all with high praise being lifted up to God! Don’t you see - they sang the right song ; however, they sang it on the wrong side of the Red Sea? What can we learn here? The Bible says:

“For whatever things were written before were written for our learning, that we, through the patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope.” (Romans 15:4)

For the Lord has given you :

“A Living Hope …” (1 Peter 1:3).

In the midst of your storms, you have the same opportunity to do what the children of Israel did not … So t ake your eyes off the storm itself and all of the distracting circumstances and set your eyes upon Jesus, by entering into high praise unto the Lord Jesus Christ. You must learn to stay in a posture of praise, worship and Intercession until you too, see the Salvation of the Lord! Lift up your song unto the Lord. As your heart connects with the Lord He will become your strength and your song. He will become your Salvation - even in the midst of battle – so isn ’ t it time to move up to Higher Ground?


Fully “ Turn your eyes upon Jesus. ” Look full into His wonderful face and the things (storms of this life) of earth shall grow strangely dim , in the Light of His Glory and Grace .” “Jesus is the Author (originator) and Finisher (brings to its fullest conclusion) of your fai th!” Trust Him at all times!

“ I will bless the L ORD at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth.” (Psalm 34:1)

Let The Lord bring You

through the impassable way!!



The Judah song

“his royal battlehorse”

acob loved Rachel far more than Leah, but after seven years of laboring for Rachel’s hand in marriage (which Jacob made through prior agreement her father Laban), he was given the hand of Leah by technical deception. Laban claimed firstborn rights, requiring Jacob to marry Leah first before marrying Rachel since Leah was the firstborn in the family. Jacob was required to work for Laban an additional seven years to win the hand of Rachel. This new seven-year period was one of great pain and anguish for Leah, knowing she was married to a man whose heart was in love with another... She struggled and strived for his affection, longing to wi n Jacob’s favor and attention. The Lord saw that Leah was unloved , and He opened her womb. For she thought “ if I could only be ar him a son…”

“Now therefore, my husband will love me.” (Genesis 29:31, 32)

So she bore him a son and called him Reuben for “ The L ORD has surely looked on my affliction. ” But it was Rachel that captivated Jacob’s heart all those years and Leah was forced to live in a place of constant rejection.

So Leah bore Jacob yet another son:

“Because the L ORD has heard that I am unloved, He has therefore given me this son also.” (Genesis 29:33)

And so Leah named him Simeon. But even this second son did not win Jacob’s heart towards Leah.


Leah bore Jacob yet a third son, named Levi, again holding on to fading hope that:

“Now this time my husband will become attached to me, because I have borne him three sons.” (Genesis 29:33)

But he did not… It was at this stage in Leah’s life that she came to a place of surrendering her heart (and her fate) unto the Lord and became willing to live her life in thankfulness for the portion of the Lord that God had given her. Her place of surrender to the Lord cultivated a deeper place of intimate praise - by her yielding to God. She bore Jacob a fourth son after this by the name of Judah. Instead of attempting to broker yet another son to Jacob in an attempt to win his heart, she had named this child as reflective of a testimony of her heart being reconciled to the Lord, Leah was transitioning in life from a place of knowing deep rejection into a lifestyle of praise! Scripture is very clear how much the Lord chose to bless her through her son Judah’s lineage. Judah name means “Praise Yahweh” or “May Yahweh be praised ”. Judah held a very sp ecial place in the heart of God, but like King David, his life was not without adversity. Though Judah was instrumental in pleading with his brothers not to kill Joseph, he eventually left his brothers to spend a season at Adullam (even as David did). But there he did the unthinkable… He married a Canaanite woman and everything went downhill from there. He had several sons, the first two, Er and Onan were so wicked and displeasing to God, that the Lord Himself killed both of them! “ Now I will praise the L ORD .” (Genesis 29:35)


“But Er, Judah’s firstbor n, was wicked in the sight of the L ORD , and the L ORD killed him. And Judah said to Onan, go in to your brother’s wife and marry her, and raise up an heir to your brother. But Onan knew that the heir would not be his; and it came to pass, when he went in to his brother’s wife, that he emitted on the ground, lest he should give an heir to his brother. And the thing which he did displeased the L ORD ; therefore He killed him also.” (Genesis 38:7-10) If matters couldn’t get worse, Judah ended up having sex with who he thought was a harlot, but in fact was his widowed daughter-in-law Tamar in disguise, (she set out to exact vengeance upon Judah for not fulfilling his promise for her to be married to ano ther of Judah’s sons ). For collateral of payment promised to her (for services rendered), he relinquished to Tamar his signet ring, cord and staff. He did not know at that time that he had also impregnated her. Three months later Judah is informed his daughter-in-law Tamar was pregnant outside of marriage, and being outraged, he calls for her to be brought forth and burned! When they bring Tamar forth, she confirms that she is pregnant and sends word to Judah that the father of this child is none other than the person who owns those articles (as she reveals those articles belonged to Judah … signet ring, cord and staff!)

“When she was brought out, she sent to her father-in-law, saying, by the man to whom these belong, I am with child. And she said, please determine whose these are the signet and cord, and this staff.” (Genesis 38:24, 25)

Judah is confronted by this, standing in a place of undeniable guilt, just like David did when the prophet Nathan confronted him. Both Judah (and his later descendant David) demanded capital punishment for the offense, yet both were


hiding secret sin . They both had no idea that sin was about to be exposed… Always remember what the Word of God says:

“You have sinned against the L ORD ; and be sure … your sin will find you out.” (Numbers 32:23)

But through the incredibly redemptive heart of God and His ordained plan , Judah ends up going back to the homeland of his fathers, where he was very instrumental in the family affairs of Jacob, his Patriarch father, that included playing a crucial role in leading their family down to Egypt. Getting close to death, Jacob calls for his sons to his bedside, where he lays hands on each one of them and prophesies. When he laid hands on Judah, Jacob brought forth the most incredible prophecy that clearly revealed the destiny that God would bring to pass through the lineage of Judah! Through Judah, great praise would come forth, mighty battles would be won, and through Judah’s very loins would come kings… a succession of kings! and eventually … The King of all Kings – the Lord Jesus Christ! All of this arising back from a heartbroken woman who turned her pain into praise , and won the heart and favor of her God! Through Rachel came forth Benjamin (and eventually King Saul), but through Leah came Judah and eventually King David … and then , as we have said… Jesus the Messiah! Though Rachel came the worldly love story of Jacob. Through Leah came the heavenly love story of God!

“ The L ORD is near to those who have a broken heart, and He saves such as have a contrite spirit.” (Psalms 34:18)


“He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. (Psalms 147:3)


“Judah, you are he whom your brothers shall praise; your hand shall be on the neck of your enemies; your father ’s children shall bow down before you. Judah is a lion’s whelp; from the prey, my son, you have gone up. He bows down, he lies down as a lion; And as a lion, who shall rouse him? The scepter shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh comes; and to Him shall be the obedience of the people. Binding his donkey to the vine, a nd his donkey’s colt to the choice vine, He washed his garments in wine, and his clothes in the blood of grapes. His eyes are darker than wine, and his teeth whiter than milk. ” (Genesis 49:8-12)

When the Lord stationed the tribes of Israel around the Tent of Meeting, He chose to assign the Tribe of Judah directly in front of the door of entrance to the Tent. The tribe of Judah had grown into a mighty army by then, with scholars believing their standard (a banner depicting their tribe) stationed over their encampment was a lion! After Joshua died, the Israelites were being readied to fight the Canaanites. They inquired of the Lord as to which tribe should be send forth first into battle and the Lord said: “ Now after the death of Joshua it came to pass that the children of Israel asked the L ORD , saying, who shall be first to go up for us against the Canaanites to fight against them? And the L ORD said, Judah shall go up. Indeed, I have delivered the land into his hand.” (Judges 1:1-2) God chose the tribe of praise to go forth first into battle – and this became their standard for war! Send Judah first!


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