ROMANS Study Guide

Rom 8:4 so that the righteousness of the Law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not according to the flesh but according to the Spirit.

2. The law of the Spirit of life vs. Law of the of Sin and Death:


a. The Spirit’s law of “life giving” is stronger than the Law of sin

and death to separate us from the life of God.

1) Watchman Nee says that the law of the Spirit “ overrules the

law of sin and death” … Nee illustrates this with the idea that if

you hold up an apple…the law of gravity pulls at it to drop to

the ground but if you hold the apple in your hand… you

prevent the law of gravity from pulling the apple to the


2) It is the Holy Spirit that allows us to consistently live the

supernatural life of Jesus…to overrule the pressure of evil set

against us… we consistently find the Holy Spirit helping us to live

for the Lord. Like a “law” we constantly find the Holy Spirits with

his hand under us strengthening and helping and comforting us.

b. Paul teaches that Jesus’ coming as our substitute and sacrifice

did what the law could not do for us… vs.3

1) Taking on the likeness of sinful man…he was tempted and

experienced all the pressures we face to sin yet never sinned.

(Heb.2:18; 4:15)

2) Jesus condemned sin in sinful man by removing it’s reign

and dominion over us.

3) Jesus fulfilled the law - God’s justice was satisfied! God

did not compromise his righteousness and now He is able to

extend his forgiveness and redemption to all who have chosen

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