ROMANS Study Guide

grace (supernatural strength, understanding, ability, wisdom,

healing, and salvation) … this is acceptable to God and not self-works.

1) Using Abrahams two sons (Isaac and Ishmael) Gal.4:21-23

a) One came the “natural way”… by the ability and will of man

b) One came the “spiritual way”… faith (trusting) in the promise of


Rom 4:6 Even as David also says of the blessedness of the man to whom God imputes righteousness without works, Rom 4:7 saying, "Blessed are those whose lawlessnesses are forgiven, and whose sins are covered. Rom 4:8 blessed is the man to whom the Lord will in no way impute sin."

2) Paul quotes Israel’s great King David (who was messianic

figure to the Jewish people) who wrote how blessed it is when

God mercifully and graciously removes our sins and declares us

guiltless. (Ps.32:1-11) (vss.6-8)

3) The book of James states that works (things I do in obedience to

God’s word) are necessary to evidence my faith. (James 2:18) But

there is a real difference between serving God to be justified before

God and serving God out of an obedient and grateful heart because I

am justified. It all goes to my motive for serving and working for


c. Paul is making a clear point that a walk with God is one of faith

in which we do not trust in our self- efforts but in God’s mercy

and grace working in and through us. We do not save ourselves

and we serve God trusting His strength and grace to be working in us

making us able to do all he asks of us. (Read John 5:19,30) In this

way we can do miracles and accomplish what is impossible.

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