ROMANS Study Guide

d. Rom.2:6- 10, 16 God’s judgment is based on two things:

a. Our actions

b. Secrets of the heart

e. Rom.2:11- 15 God’s Judgment is fair: He judges those outside of

the law by natural revelation and those under the law by the law.

2. God’s history with Israel has been a loving effort to draw them to

repentance through his kind ness to them but this Jew (in Paul’s

mind) is missing what God is trying to do by assuming he was just

fine with God. By knowing God’s law and divine promises and the

tabernacle form of worship and covenant, this fictitious Jew sees

himself as Ok before God. Paul is trying to bring the Jews was to

see their need of grace (God’s unearned favor).

a. The Jews were blind to what God was trying to say to them.

The Jews had come to see that God had selected them whether

they did the law or not. It was their right to consider

themselves chosen and acceptable to God. (vs.4)

b. But Paul draws attention to the fact of the “riches” of God’s

patience in not executing judgment upon his rebellious and

stubborn people. God was using his “goodness and patience” to

try and lead his people to repentance at the coming of Jesus Christ


3. The same Judgment of the Gentiles is awaiting this hypothetical

Jew: (vs.5-6)

a. Paul uses the same word for God’s “Wrath” for the Jew as he used

in chapter one for the sinning Gentiles. This hypocritical Jew is

storing up (treasu ring up, collecting) God’s wrath for the

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