ROMANS Study Guide


First Assignment : (due at the second class)

Defend the idea from scripture that there is enough “natural revelation” and “inner witness” in the human

conscience and from nature itself for God to judge the lost for not recognizing him, giving him thanks and

following basic moral law and seeking after him.

Second Assignment :

Why is the Jew just as guilty of breaking the Law as the heathen is? Review chapter 2:1-5.

Third Assignment :

According to Romans 3:19 – 21 what is the purpose of the Law? Explain your answer.

Fourth Assignment :

Using Romans chapter 4 and 5, explain the kind of faith that justifies us before God. What does it mean to be

justified by faith alone?

Fifth Assignment :

The Jews accused Paul of teaching that “the more one sinned the more it highlighted God’s grace” in forgiving

such sinning.” Reviewing Romans 6:1 -12 explain why Paul was not teaching such a doctrine with his emphasis

on grace over law as our means of justification.

Sixth Assignment :

Using Romans chapter seven, why do we have to identify with Jesus’ death (die with him - Rom.6:2-3) to

escape the condemnation of the Law?

Seventh Assignment :

Explain from Romans chapter eight the work of the Holy Spirit in helping us feel accepted and secure in our

salvation in Christ Jesus.

Eighth Assignment :

Using Romans 9:6-9, 24-29, explain why not all natural Jews are spiritual children of Abraham and why now

gentiles can be considered spiritual children of Abraham.

Ninth Assignment :

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