ROMANS Study Guide

(2) Sins of unrighteousness (doing what is wrong…unjust)

b) Holding or suppressing truth in unrighteousness (deliberately

doing what is known to be wrong)

b. God has continually provided a witness of his righteousness so

that there is no excuse for not knowing basic right and wrong.


1) The Scottish Theologian, William Barclay, tries to illustrate

this truth with a basic exercise in logical observations:

a) If you break the law of agriculture…you have a failed harvest

b) If you break the law of architecture…your building collapses

c) If you break the laws of health…you get sick

2) Paul boldly states that “what may be known about God is plain

(is being manifested) to them.

Deliberate Rejection

c. General revelation of God… vss. 20 -23 (also read Acts 17:23-31)

1) Natural and Spiritual Revelation agree

a) The invisible qualities of God… (vs.20)

(1) Eternal power …to create what we see (creation had to

begin outside of what is (i.e. Big Bang Theory)… God is not

pantheistic… dependent on nature.

(2) The divine is seen in nature …a predicable or orderly

universe, His goodness in providing for and sustaining all

creation (anthropic principle: has order and great

complexity that cannot be simply explained by random

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