This inspirational book is a part of The Roaming Buffalo Project. We believe that when we intentionally nurture spaces and communities that promote creativity, we allow individuals to find creative solutions to problems. These creative communities also birth leadership, innovation, and entrepreneurship.

Roaming Buffalo Lisa McFarland Illustrated by Julie Law

The Roaming Buffalo

Special thanks to the Creator who gives all things, to my family who have always been there for me, to Crystal Rupp for helping with the editing, and to Dr Sheba K. George and Jenny Gondeiro for believing in me from the beginning. I would like to thank Wayne & Sheri Hohs for helping to launch The Roaming Buffalo Project and Timothy Johnson for being the best publisher in the world. I would also like to express my deepest gratitude to Joann Swallow who has inspired me in so many ways.

Copyright 2022 by Lisa McFarland Illustrated by Julie Law Printed by BT Johnson Publishing ISBN: 978-1-952645-11-2 Printed in the United States ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

This book is dedicated with great honor and love to the original "Roaming Buffalo"

Dr. Jay Swallow whose visions inspired many people.

We lovingly remember these others who have gone ahead of us to prepare the way.

Conner Hanenburg Julian Quinn Todd LeBrun Sydnee Soendker Mary Cummings Lux Carter

The People of the Land would long each spring to see the lone buffalo that came ahead of the others.

They taught their hunters to respect this one, because he carried the vision for his herd. They would not harm him but wait for him to lead the herd back to the hunting grounds each year.

The elders would honor their great hunters and buffalo brothers with amazing

stories around their campfires. This is one of those stories...

The Old One had died. Most could not remember how long he had led them. He was called the Roaming Buffalo, because he was able to find the path for the others.

Who would lead them now that he was gone? How would they know when to go North? Where would they find the best grass to eat?

The herd waited for the sadness to pass from their hearts. They did what they always did, which was to eat the sweet grass.

Everyone was happy for a while, but slowly things began to change.

The rains were not coming anymore, and the birds were flying away to the north.

The small river began to dry up, and the buffalos became so thirsty and hot. The grass was almost gone now.

Many wanted to go to another place, and some even tried to find a path but could not.

Many years passed, but the herd stayed in the same place. No one knew how to find the path anymore. One day, one of the females began to feel a young one stirring inside of her belly. She knew that this one would be different.

She waited patiently for the new one to come.

She sensed in her heart that everything was about to change.

Little Buffalo was different than the others. He was always full of energy. He wanted to explore things. His family often grew tired of his questions.

The other calves seemed to be afraid of everything! They did not want to try new things.

Many of them just wanted to take long naps and complain.

Little Buffalo often felt like he was alone.

Little Buffalo heard a voice speak inside of him. He felt like he was supposed to get up and go somewhere. It was a great big feeling! When Little Buffalo told his mother and her friends, they listened with amazement. They did not know what to think about his ideas, but they tried to be supportive. His mother told him that she believed in him. She agreed to help him if he decided to make the great journey.

Little Buffalo went to ask for advice. The Elder Buffalo was kind and listened intently to him. He told Little Buffalo that he did not think he needed to go on such a journey. He said that it would not change anything. He said that things would always be the same. The Elder Buffalo did not like changes, and he did not want Little Buffalo to get hurt trying something new. Little Buffalo began to feel fear and sadness again. He had hoped that he could make a difference, but now he was not sure.

When Little Buffalo told others about the voice inside, they began to laugh at him. Some called him names and pointed at him. Two Horns was the biggest and meanest. He was always making fun of others and pushing them with his big horns. He would poke Little Buffalo with his big horns every time he saw him. Little Buffalo was afraid of him and tried to hide when he saw him coming near. He even stopped sharing his ideas with others. He pretended to be like the others to get along with them.

When Little Buffalo walked near the other buffalos, he often heard whisperings. Others would sometimes stare.

He knew they didn't hear what he could hear. They did not see what he could see.

His mind was always thinking. He felt happy when he was being himself.

He wanted to share things with friends, but he didn't have any.

One night he could no longer resist the urge to begin his journey.

He knew he could not stay any longer.

The grass was disappearing!

He had to do something.

Little Buffalo overcame his fear and set out all alone to find hope.

It was very hot and dry. Little Buffalo became very hungry and thirsty.

Many times, he wanted to give up, because it was not easy.

He did not know how far he had to go, but he made up his mind to finish.

He wanted to see his dreams come true. He wanted to learn new things and help others.

Little Buffalo finally found green pastures on the prairie.

The land was beautiful, and there was plenty of water to drink.

He had been right all along, and he knew it now.

He stayed there for a while to grow stronger himself.

He did not realize that he was changing.

He had learned many new things to share.

One day, he began to hear the voice inside again.

He knew it was time to move on. He was going to return to his home. He would bring the herd to this new place. Little Buffalo looked into the big clear lake and saw a new face in the water. He thought he saw the Roaming Buffalo, but he was looking at his new reflection. He couldn't believe his eyes.

He had changed.

When Little Buffalo found his family, they didn't recognize him.

He told them about his journey and how green the grass was there.

The elders asked him to help them.

They called him the Roaming Buffalo, because he had learned how to find a path for himself and others.

He was no longer alone...


Buffalos can also be called Bisons. They can live to be about 12-20 years old. They live in families that are called herds.

They have horns and shed their heavy coats each year in the springtime. Their coats enable them to endure harsh winter weather conditions. Males can be very large, weighing up to 2,000 pounds, and they run almost 40 mph. When they run, it can sound like thunder and feel like an earthquake. They graze on prairie grasses because they are herbivores. They are not easy to tame and remain wild. There are ranches and areas today that breed and protect buffalos.


When calves are born, they are called "red dogs" because of their reddish-brown color. They turn dark brown later as they grow.

Buffalos are near-sighted, but they have a heightened sense of smell to sense predators approaching. Buffalos are migratory animals, which means they travel as a herd to find food during the various seasons of the year. Many Native Americans hold the buffalo as a sacred animal. The buffalo was a source of provision for many tribes, and the skills of hunting buffalos were passed down from generation to generation. Tools, clothing and food were crafted from the buffalo. Extensive hunting and careless sporting almost caused one of our national symbols to become extinct. Certain tribes and government officials are working to save these amazing mammals. Many conservationists are working to see the buffalo herds restored for future generations to enjoy.

Will you be the next Roaming Buffalo ?

What are some of your dreams or ideas?

What will you do to bring change to your world or family?

What will you invent or discover in the future?


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Have you ever felt like Little Buffalo? What happened to bring sadness in the story? Have you ever wanted to give up on life? Who could you talk to if you felt hopeless? Do you feel like people like you?

Has anyone ever been like Two Horns in your life? What do you think Little Buffalo could do about him? Who was encouraging Little Buffalo in the story to be strong? Who inspires or encourages you to go after your dreams? What do you do when others make fun of you? Is there someone you can tell?



Note From The Author

My hope is that this book will inspire you to pursue your dreams. This story can help individuals identify their own journey and find lasting change.

It takes courage to do something different than those around you.

Often, others do not understand your creative ideas, because they cannot visualize what you are describing to them.

Little Buffalo had to overcome many obstacles such as bullying, hopelessness, misunderstanding, and real physical difficulties. He kept going until others could see what he saw. It takes time to go after your dreams and achieve your goals. Roaming Buffalos are people who are brave, patient and hardworking. Little Buffalo never gave up on his dream, and I hope you will continue to follow your dreams and become a Roaming Buffalo yourself.

You can begin today! Be the one to bring change wherever you are!

The Roaming Buffalo Project

This inspirational book is a part of The Roaming Buffalo Project. We believe that when we intentionally nurture spaces and communities that promote creativity, we allow individuals to find creative solutions to problems. These creative communities also birth leadership, innovation, and entrepreneurship. Our Ambassadors are available to share the book and their stories with your communities. We have created Leader's Guides to use in different settings. We want to partner with others to help establish creative zones and entrepreneur-pods for youth and emerging leaders globally. We want to inspire hope for all ages and cultures.

The amazing art and message of the Roaming Buffalo Book can also be used for leadership workshops, life-coaching sessions and community development training.

If you would like to purchase additional books or teaching guides, please contact us at The Roaming Buffalo Center or purchase them online.

Please let us know if you would like for Lisa McFarland or one of our Ambassadors to speak at your school, group or community.

The Roaming Buffalo Center

Call Today (785) 330-3569 Email: www.


Lisa is the wife of John McFarland, the mother of four beautiful daughters, and the grandmother of five grandchildren. She has always been interested in children's literature and teaching. She has First Nations ancestry.

She uses art, history, and cultural storytelling to impact and motivate others. She wrote this book to bring hope and open the door to talk about dreams.

She founded The Roaming Buffalo Project to foster what she calls "Creative Communities." She explains that when individuals or groups allow for open discussion of ideas and creativity, people within their communities will develop creative solutions to their issues and obstacles. Creative Communities inspire new inventions, strategies and opportunities for success and change. Creative Communities will bring hope and cause dreams to come alive.



Julie Law is an accomplished artist and business owner in Texas. She has traveled extensively, sharing her art and personality with many. She does paintings and murals and shares her story with others as a speaker. Julie donated her work for this book in memory of her son, Julian, who passed away in 2018. She also writes about her own struggles in her newly released book, "Killing Suicide."


Follow Little Buffalo on his journey. Will he become the Roaming Buffalo?

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