Worship With Me

emotional roller coaster that may confront your life

that God is still protecting us. Amen

Beloved, allow Psalm 54:6 to be your psalm of

encouragement or your psalm of victory…..in spite

of the hurdles that you may experience in your daily

life, declare, “Willingly I will sacrifice to you, I will

give thanks in Your name, O Lord for it is good.”

The goodness of God remains constant as a

consequence, our worship to Him cannot be

inconsistent or based on our moods. I shall bless the

Lord at all times, His praise shall continuously

(constantly) be on my lips . Therefore, our situations

in no way should affect the quality of worship that is

given to God. Never decide to limit your worship

based on how you feel. How would you react if God

gets up in the morning and decides He is going to

place a limit on you? The magnitude of your

conditions should be used positively as a magnet


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