Worship With Me
Lack of Humility. What is humility? It is
the ability of possessing the quality of having a
modest or practical view of one's importance. Being
full of pride and serving God does not constitute you
being an exemplary follower of Christ. Reflect on the
life of Christ. He demonstrated humility from the
cross to the grave. His lesson of humility is therefore
the template for us to pattern and adopt daily.
Avoid allowing the applause of men to go to
your head. Advisably, when your worship session is
extremely powerful, and G od’s presence was felt
remember all the glory belongs to God for you were
the mere vessel (clay) but He is the potter. Be so
warned worship leader that it is mandatory that you
remain humble not puffed up into thinking that
because you are the leader you cannot listen to
advice or suggestions from others. Be in tune with
the voice of God also for divine instruction.
Maintain an open-door policy in your life where you
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