Worship With Me
1. This is the most detrimental point that I wish
to highlight. As a worship leader you firstly need to
understand the position that you were assigned to;
know your role, know your function in Kingdom
building with regards to spirituality. Be mindful that
you are a minister but with a critical role of leading
others into experiencing God’s awesom e presence.
Ideally therefore, your heart must be in the right
place. Your daily relationship with God is what
would build the capacity to be an effective worship
leader. Your flesh must decrease as you make that
decision to submit to the call on your life and
simultaneously as you draw closer to God your heart
shall be transformed. It is your responsibility Mr.
Worshipper or Ms. Worshipper to adapt the
A. A prayerful life – Speak to God and be
assured that He shall speaks to you.
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