Worship With Me

over you. Declare that you are an overcomer as you

worship. Remember the devil is still a liar. It is

absolutely necessary to be intentional and therefore

one must oneself to worship. Pursue God today with

a new passion and a new revelation, that you get to

know Him for yourself and know that your Father

can break every spiritual deficiency and any area of

weaknesses you may be encountering even now.

I can recall times when it was a challenge or

even impossible for me to pray. I felt I was not even

worthy to enter the outer courts far less the Holy of

Holies. Would God accept my praise and my

worship? Then I remembered that He loves me with

an everlasting love, and it was at that point I started

to focus on His love for me. I grasped the concept of

God with deeper communication through prayer and

through His Word.


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