Worship With Me

lunch instead and use the other ½ hour as your

private time of worship? Many of my deep periods

of private worship have been when I am driving. It is

when I shut off the world (yes even as I focus on the

road), and I would meditate on the Lord and Savior

Jesus Christ.

Worship is truly powerful. I am a witness. I can

recall some years ago, there was a foul smell in my

home and having that spirit of discernment I knew it

was a demon. On my way home on a particular day,

I just shut in, started to worship, went in tongues and

commanded that demon to vacate my premises

before I arrived at home.

The Holy Spirit did not fail me. That foul

demon had to run as far as the east is from the west.

In those private moments I received answered

prayer, word of knowledge, prophecies for my life

and for others, and revelation of the Word of God,


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