Worship With Me
My journey as a worshipper has brought me closer with God and being able, with God’s help to overcome the flesh and wage war against the kingdom of darkness. I truly love to worship, and I decree and release upon all you readers the anointing to soar higher and deeper in your worship experience – my daily goals are unlimited, unrestricted, uninterrupted worship and as you worship with me from afar. CATCH THE MANTLE OF WORSHIP AND SET YOUR ALTAR ABLAZE
Worship With Me
A Journey of Praise & Worship
By Mary Ann Lewis-Francis
©2022 By Mary Ann Lewis-Francis Printed by BT Johnson Publishing www.BTJohnsonPublishing.com Toll Free: 1-866-260-9563
Printed in the United States of America ISBN: 978-1-938311-
Worship With Me
1.....Introduction – My season of change......................5
2.....What is worship......................................................15
3.....Types of Worship....................................................21
A....Private Worship......................................................
B.....Public Worship.......................................................
4.....Comparison of Public and Private Worship.......35
5.....Benefits of Worship to the Worshipper...............41
6.....Why should we worship?......................................47
7.....Hindrances or Limitations to Worship................57
8.....Hindrances to the Worship Leader......................63
9.....Becoming a Living Sacrifice..................................71
10....8 Things a Worship Leader Should Not Do.......93
11....I Love to Worship..................................................99
Firstly, I would like to thank God for giving me the
ability and for His guidance in penning this book.
Thanks to my now deceased mother who cultivated
the love for the Word of God in me daily.
This is also dedicated to my dear sister and friend
Patricia David who was my first worship mentor.
She left an impeccable impression in my life and
wherever God takes me, a part of her is always with me.
Finally, I dedicate this book to my family and my church
family “Eternal Love Ministry International” and all the
wonderful women I meet on this journey in “Passion For
Souls International” thanks for all the prayer & support.
My Season of Change
“ T is so sweet to trust in Jesus,” and “I trust in
God'' were the two powerful hymns that I loved
ministering to congregations not realizing that God
had created me to be more than a soloist in my local
church or even in visiting churches.
As a young lady I was on fire for God and was
committed to the things of God. Paul in Romans 8: 39
declared that, “ For I am convinced that neither death
nor life, neither angels nor principalities, neither the
present nor the future, nor any powers, neither
height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation,
will be able to separate us from the love of God that
is in Christ Jesus.” These verses resonated in my
spirit so much that I found myself in the sanctuary
once the doors were opened. With a mother who
diligently sought God, I had no choice but to exercise
similar sentiments when it came to the work of God.
My mother may have understood in her simple
manner that I was not just born to exist, but I was
born for purpose even though it was never
verbalized by her since such expressions eluded her.
I am thankful that I was exposed to sound
doctrine and with profound and powerful
intercessors in my corner. As believers, we are never
to despise our humble beginnings because it
influences who we shall become.
Many who have heard my voice described me
as the woman with the voice of thunder but with all
the accolades something was missing. Worship for
me was vague, rigid structural presence with little or
no room for the Holy Spirit to take pre-eminence in
the life of the congregants and furthermore through
me the “song - leader.” Yes “song - leader,” is used
with a self-explanatory connotation because
undoubtedly that was my experience. Unfortunately,
because of denominational beliefs, ignorance and
arrogance, my passion and desire to pursue God
deeper was halted and in many instances stifled.
Beyond my human intellect, was a soul dying to
experience the Creator in a way that I could never
imagine. My inner spiritual capacity for worship
was crying out and like a pregnant woman I had to
endure the unspoken pain and discomfort in order to
deliver a full term.
One glorious day in my devotions I came
across John 4: 23 & 24:
“ But the time is coming and has now come
when the true worshipers will worship the
Father in Spirit and in Truth, for the
Father is seeking such as these to worship
Him. God is a Spirit, and His worshipers
must worship Him in spirit and in truth. ”
This scripture is one the most phenomenal
reference point that a worshiper must aspire to
attain, worshiping God in spirit and in truth. I have
read this passage many times but, on this occasion,
the Holy Spirit himself opened up my eyes to a new
level of understanding and revelation. It was an
understanding that echoed in my spirit that a shift in
my life was inevitable.
A transformation was about to take place so
that I could be a conduit of true worship. The clarity
of the truth about my worship to God caused me to
relentlessly pursue Him like never before, thus
resulting in God being my priority and
simultaneously, I sought to please Him with my
worship. It now meant that my worship could no
longer be vain and repetitive. It meant that my life
had to become saturated with His words on my lips
and a praise in my heart not only for all He has done
or doing but because of recognizing His infinite
As a worshiper, I thank God for the revelation
of knowledge that was bestowed unto me. No longer
was I satisfied with mediocre worship because of
lack of knowledge or my undying loyalty to religion.
Fortunately, with the revelation of who God is, His
desire for true worship and my conscious decision to
become a “God - Pleaser” religion had no more hold
on me. I was delivered from the spirit of religion
therefore, the blockages which hindered my access to
the Kingdom of God were destroyed by the power of
the Holy Ghost.
The Holy Spirit, my best friend, commenced a
revolutionary spiritual heart-to-heart transplant
which caused me to seek Him more and more.
Jeremiah 29.13:
“ You will seek Me and find Me when
you search for Me with all of Your heart. ”
This resulted in a changed mind-set.
Instead of being committed to religion I was
now committed to a relationship. As a true
worshiper there is a new level of relationship that
exists between you and the Father that explodes and
is transferred even into the congregation for the
glory of God now resides in you.
Clearly, religion no longer had a hold of me. I
was delivered from all the hindrances that obscured
my access to the throne room of God. How can I be a
true worshipper if it is “restricted?” Some of the
things that I observed that restricts worship
knowingly or unknowingly are routine, time,
structure and the one often overlooked, self.
Unfortunately, what I was exposed to was
“empty worship.” Where was the encounter with
1 0
God? As I allowed the Holy Spirit to work in me, my
life was transformed spiritually from that empty, dry
relationship to one with God that had meaning,
depth, substance and purpose. I encountered a life
changing event just by knowing Him and by seeking
Him fervently. My Father altered my mindset with a
new understanding of worship, and He declared me
a vessel of honor unto him, a vessel of praises. As a
worshiper, I now knew that I am not ordinary or
simple, instead, I am a carrier of the Glory of God
and as a consequence it is imperative to live
according to His principles as instructed in the Word
of God.
Religion (manmade system) shuts out worship
by cultivating empty prayer, empty worship, forms
of goodliness, with absolutely no manifestation of
the power of God or even the manifestation of the
Kingdom of God in one’s personal life.
1 1
Please do not get me wrong. I embraced the
shifting and I do believe in structure, systems and
submission to leadership, but a person is not to be
subjected to a system where there is the absence of
God’s manifestation or the hindrance of the move of
God because of a man-made program or an agenda.
Our worship therefore is never to be restricted or
“boxed in.” Our worship and our praise are never to
be secondary to the direction of a man or a woman of
God of authority with the mandate to halt God’s
move. There are protocols and dimensions in
worship that must be adhered too. I shall touch on
both in forthcoming chapters.
Experiencing the true essence of worship got
me through some challenging times in my life
because it shifted my focus away from the problem
to the problem solver, that is where I discovered the
four P’s, namely: process, purpose, patience and
1 2
David, the greatest worshiper and the author of
Psalm wrote explicitly in Psalm 34:1:
“I will bless the Lord at all times, His
praise shall continually be in my mouth. ”
I came to the terms with the fact that my
worship to God should not be hindered by my
personal circumstances. Just as David, we must be
able to quickly repent and realign ourselves with our
God given purpose not allowing our weaknesses to
be our deterrent for entering into the presence of
God or for dominating our destiny.
My journey or my pursuit to freedom led to the
greater appreciation for the greatest worshiper or the
psalmist. David worshiped from his heart in spite of
his shortcomings. I observed also that David was a
man who loved God dearly. He understood the
character of the Creator and he reminded me often of
my pitfalls in life, a broken vessel, unworthy,
1 3
rejected and one who was overlooked by man but
thankfully one selected by God to worship Him
passionately. Hallelujah
For the purpose of this book, I shall be using
David as one of my main points of reference. It is my
prayer that as you read this book that the worshipper
in you would arise or be revived. I pray that this
book would boost your confidence as a worshipper
as you strive to worship God with all of your being.
1 4
What Is Worship?
T his is a question that has been used
interchangeably with prayer and praise. However,
according to Webster’s Dictionary, “worship is to
honor with extravagant love and extreme
submission”. In other words, true worship is defined
by the priority we place on who God is, His very
character demonstrated in our lives.
To be more precise and to alleviate any myth,
let me share some light as to what does not constitute
worship. Firstly, worship is not the slow songs
rendered by the worship team or choir in the Sunday
morning services as many were taught to believe.
Worship is not utilizing the best singer who practices
little or has no biblical lifestyle to lead the choir or
the song service. Worship is not putting the biggest
1 5
offering in the basket or even working with the
youth department or men’s group. Notable the latter
two are very important in a ministry but are acts of
expressions of worship.
True worship calls for an indispensable
response of living a holy life. I am confident based on
experience that I can therefore further expand on the
definition and conclude that worship is a lifestyle
which must be pleasing to God everywhere you are,
be it on the job, at home or even in the community.
Avoid limiting your worship to God as just being
contained in the four walls of a building.
Beloved, if your lifestyle as a worshipper is not
one which reflects holiness and your submission to
God does not work in harmony then you must
therefore make a serious decision to yield to the Holy
Spirit so that true worship becomes your immediate
resolution whilst you still have the time and that is
1 6
only by my calculation because our days are
numbered and is only known by our Creator.
Psalm 96:9:
“ O Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness,
fear before Him all the earth .” (KJV).
The Book of Psalms illustrates in many of the
chapters who, how, why, when and where to
worship. It may be unbelievable for some to
conceptualize that as an individual, you may listen to
great worship music from anointed ministers, read
the scriptures or even write your own worship songs
and still not have the incomprehensible knowledge
of the term worship in the practical sense of the
To be considered a true worshipper there must
be an indispensable response as seen in a holy life.
Based on my hands-on experience of worship, I can
confidently conclude that worship is a lifestyle which
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is far more than a song and, in many instances, more
than a sound. Worship was designed to put the
supreme worth of God on display. Is there any other
God that can be honored, revered, treasured or loved
more than our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ?
Beloved, as you read this book, allow the Spirit
of God to minister to you especially if your lifestyle
of holiness and your submission to God endeavors to
operate in harmony with Almighty God at all times. I
am appealing to all worship leaders, choir directors,
music ministers, sound technicians, moderators,
those with or without titles - all who call on the name
of Jesus kindly make a decision to yield to the Holy
Spirit so that true worship becomes your decision
daily. Do not be ashamed to be considered an
authentic worshipper of God. Be one who knows
him truly and treasure him daily based on your
practical relationship with Him.
1 8
In my personal life, worship became the ladder
which was used to give me access to different
dimensions in the Spirit. It is an infinite tool or
weapon if well utilized and it is able to counteract
and dismantle areas of evil assignments upon your
life. Whatever you may be going through right now
believe that when you worship, God intervenes on
your behalf. Believe me when I say if God did it for
me, be assured that He is well able to respond and
validate the songs, be it for healing, deliverance or
restoration in your life.
Worship then is absolutely not only a tool and
a weapon but can also be referred to as a key to
intimacy with God through communication for
worship is a two-way process. You speak to God,
you honor or revere Him, enter into His presence
through spiritual songs, prayer and whatever else
His spirit bids and in return God responds. When
worship is well engaged it enables us to withstand
1 9
the trials and the problems that we encounter, with
the capacity to effectively restore and maintain the
joy of our salvation.
Types of Worship
C ome along with me as we explore the
different types of worship:
A. Vain Worship
Matthew 15: 8-9:
“ These people honor with the lips, but their
hearts are far from me. They worship me in
vain, their teachings are merely human rules. ”
Upon examining verse 8 it revealed that the
people drew near to God, they observed all the
rituals or religious practices of the day, they openly
prayed, they could be seen all in the streets, always
in the synagogues and with what appeared to be
reverence and devotion to God. Many can relate to
these busy buddies and those that perform their
2 1
righteous act to be seen by others. Sadly, too many
believers are of the opinion that they can attend all
the church events, give to charity-even display it on
social media, sing the loudest and be considered as
participating in true worship. Unfortunately, our
worship to God must be beyond what mere mortals
can see.
As a worshipper on the stage or in the pew you
have to acknowledge God as your Sustainer, Creator,
Healer and Preserver of your souls. We sometimes
go further and make a boast in Yahweh and declare
that He is the one and only true God and identify
Him as the God of Israel. Additionally, the praises on
our lips are echoed in the atmosphere and there is
wh at appears to be an attitude of gratitude for God’s
loving kindness, tender mercies and unmerited favor
apparently with sincerity and true affection to God.
Even nations, churches and individuals feel God can
be fooled with our open gestures of generosity and
prayer vigils. Definitely, those are commendable but
according to the scripture it only demonstrates
worship from the mouths or their lips. Let us not
aspire to be lip worshippers or carriers of vain
One can never evade the statement of truth that
Jesus is the searcher of hearts and mind.
For a few minutes as you read honestly answer
the following questions”
1. Are you genuinely in love with Jesus?
2. Do you have unwavering faith in Him?
3. Do you have the fear of the Lord?
4. Are you desiring more of His presence?
5. Are you still struggling with worldly lust?
6. Do you seek the applause of men?
7. Are you concerned about what the searcher of
the heart sees when he searches your heart?
My recommendation for all is that you start
with that inner essence of worship before it is
transferred to a more public expression. The
awesome blessings of God which you desire to
always enjoy are subjected to God given conditions.
Never let your worship be in or be categorized as
zero or even empty. It becomes null and void when
your worship is absent of the heart dimension which
Jesus mentioned in Matthew 15: 8 & 9:
“ This people draw nigh unto me with their mouth,
and honor me with their lips; but their heart is far
from me. But in vain they do worship me, teaching
for doctrines the commandments of men.”
Yes, you can be excited about leading worship,
leading the choir, attending crusades to sing, and
never be a true worshipper because in essence,
everything you did was for your personal
advancement and promotion not by God but by man.
Some believers may not realize the power that
worship can activate in their lives. There is much
strength, edification and joy that can be attained
from proper biblical worship or should I say regular
worship. These benefits can be achieved in either
private or public worship where His presence is
To suggest that worship is an important part of
your journey as a Christian is an understatement. It
is, however, critically necessary for us to engage
ourselves in the practice of daily worship. Once you
grasp God’s grace and His love for you, worship
becomes so automatic that you would operate with
an attitude of gratitude every moment of the day.
The benefits are achievable when you totally
surrender your life to become a true worshipper, this
however, shall be revealed in another chapter.
Whenever you decide to pray in isolation, read
the Bible, sing a song or a hymn, meditate on matters
pertaining to things in your life that is what is
referred to as private worship or personal worship .
Again the book of Psalms is an excellent
template of David’s spontaneous act of worship unto
the Lord. This he did steadfastly in times where
battles were won and even when he fell in sin. Child
of God, in order to mature in Christ and in the work
of the Kingdom you must develop a pattern of
making worship priority; it must be a part of your
daily routine commencing with developing your
prayer life which is the ‘springboard’ for you
becoming a better worshipper.
Matthew 6:6:
“ But when you pray, go into your inner room, shut your door, and pray to your Father,
2 6
who is unseen. And your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. ”
In this passage Jesus gives the perfect example
of how we should pray.
Note the Word of God was clear: it says WHEN
YOU PRAY, not if you pray. When denotes a
compulsory instruction or a command in this
instance. In other words, it is imperative that men
are to always to pray and not to faint as is referred to
in ( KJV ) Luke 18:1:
“ And he spake a parable unto them to this end,
that men ought always to pray, and not to faint . ”
Do you wish to develop strong character and
If yes, then your private meditation and Bible
study are the mechanisms to achieve the
aforementioned. Take time out of your schedule to
spend time with God. Why don’t you take ½ hour
lunch instead and use the other ½ hour as your
private time of worship? Many of my deep periods
of private worship have been when I am driving. It is
when I shut off the world (yes even as I focus on the
road), and I would meditate on the Lord and Savior
Jesus Christ.
Worship is truly powerful. I am a witness. I can
recall some years ago, there was a foul smell in my
home and having that spirit of discernment I knew it
was a demon. On my way home on a particular day,
I just shut in, started to worship, went in tongues and
commanded that demon to vacate my premises
before I arrived at home.
The Holy Spirit did not fail me. That foul
demon had to run as far as the east is from the west.
In those private moments I received answered
prayer, word of knowledge, prophecies for my life
and for others, and revelation of the Word of God,
even sermons to preach the following Sunday. Be
determined not to remain a spiritual dwarf or a
malnourished member of the body of Christ.
Do not be derailed, distracted or deceived. Jesus
says , John 14.6:
“ I am the way the truth and the life: no
man cometh unto the Father but by Him. ”
Become delivered from distraction as I
prophecy to many readers where a negative word
may have been uttered over your life or you may
have heard negative voices hindering you from
spending that valuable time with God. Come in
agreement with me as we break that spirit of
distraction in the Mighty name of Jesus.
Stay in His presence for that is your heritage!
Go deeper, desire to enter beyond your intellectual
understanding. Declare things over your life. The
voice that speaks fear or depression has no power
over you. Declare that you are an overcomer as you
worship. Remember the devil is still a liar. It is
absolutely necessary to be intentional and therefore
one must oneself to worship. Pursue God today with
a new passion and a new revelation, that you get to
know Him for yourself and know that your Father
can break every spiritual deficiency and any area of
weaknesses you may be encountering even now.
I can recall times when it was a challenge or
even impossible for me to pray. I felt I was not even
worthy to enter the outer courts far less the Holy of
Holies. Would God accept my praise and my
worship? Then I remembered that He loves me with
an everlasting love, and it was at that point I started
to focus on His love for me. I grasped the concept of
God with deeper communication through prayer and
through His Word.
Hear the Word of the Lord in James 1: 5-8 King
James Version (KJV) ”
“ If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of
God, that giveth to all men liberally, and
upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.
But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering.
For he that wavereth is like a wave of the
sea driven with the wind and tossed. For
let not that man think that he shall receive
anything of the Lord. A double minded
man is unstable in all his ways. ”
God speaks profoundly to all of us through His
Word. Spend time reading His Word and receive His
instructions with great eagerness knowing that there
is a message somewhere in the lines of the scriptures
that relates to you and your situation.
All worshippers must thrive to delight
themselves in the Lord and meditate on His Word,
day and night allowing it to dwell richly in their lives
with transformational results as Ambassadors of the
Most High God.
In your private worship expect that God would
meet with you and your ability to worship is only
developed through applications. What are you
saying? I am saying that you learn to worship by
worshipping. Yes, allow me to repeat “you learn to
worship by worshipping.”
“Oh come let us sing unto the Lord. Oh come
let us sing unto the Lord. Oh let us make a
joyful noise to the Rock of my salvation
Oh come let us sing unto the Lord.”
This short refrain was one of my best friend’s
favorite opening anthems. As I write the words of
this song, we would appreciate that it speaks
plurality and not singleness and as a consequence
was ideal for announcing to the congregation the
commencement of service.
With deeper examination, that song is really
Psalm 95 which David may have also made a sweet
melody within the synagogues as it summons all to
give thanks unto God once you are in His presence.
Public worship is therefore worship conducted
without privacy, under the authority, in a public
space, according to the rules that govern a religious
organization. It is that place where the congregation
gathers with the sole purpose of glorifying God in
the beauty of holiness.
Corporate worship is therefore collectively
involved worship to God and is sometimes
expressed as the “gathering , ” assembling or as
congregational worship.
Comparison of Public and Private Worship
1. I t is believed that God is more glorified by
God is glorified by us when we acknowledge Him.
“ For where two or three are gathered together
in My name, I am there in the midst of them.”
(Matthew 18:19 – 20, NKJV) God therefore obtains
multiplied worship and praises.
2. The presence of God is more inflated.
He is present with his people in the use of public
worship in a greater capacity being extremely
effective and intimate. Matthew 18:19 1” Again, truly
I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about
anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my
Father in heaven. ” There is a greater outpouring of
His power and His anointing.
3. God manifests himself – it is believed that
God’s manifestation is seen and experienced more
clearly in public worship rather than in private
For example, in Revelation, Christ is manifested
“in the midst of the churches.” This relates similarly
to #2 above for there is a greater demonstration of his
power thus resulting in an effectual individual
operating in signs and wonders. Please do not think
for a minute that it is only the pastors or those
operating in the five-fold ministry that are given
spiritual gifts. You as a worshipper; or any other
member of the body of Christ can also be the
recipient of such a gift because God gives His gifts
4. There is more spiritual benefit in the use of
public worship.
Yes, there are benefits of private worship but
there are much more to be expected in public
worship when it is done right.
5. Public worship is more edifying than
I really love this point most of all because as a
worshipper this is an area, where we can really serve
the people by praying on their behalf without
focusing excessively on one’s personal needs. Yes,
we “pray ye one for another.”
6. The Lord works his greatest works in public
Deliverance, conversion, regeneration and so on
are usually accomplished through public worship
and as a consequence makes it easier for a visiting
unbeliever to believe in the manifested power of our
Lord Jesus Christ.
7. Public worship is the nearest resemblance
of heaven.
In the Bible’s depictions of heaven, there is
nothing done in private, nothing in secret; all the
worship of that glorious company is public. The
experience can be referred to as a ‘Heaven Touching
Earth’ experience.
8. The most renowned servants of God have
The Lord did not withdraw from public ordinances,
though they could be considered corrupt at times.
Public worship was more precious to the apostles
than their safety, liberty, and lives.
9. The promises of God are more easily
manifested in public worship than in private.
There are more promises in public than to private
worship, and even the promises that seem to be
made to private duties are applicable and more
powerful for public worship.
Benefits of Public Worship to the Worshipper
E ngaging in public worship is of great
importance to every member of the body of Christ as
there are many benefits of participating in corporate
worship. Closely let us examine the following
benefits below:
1. A Step of obedience
Hebrews 10:25 (KJV)
“ Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves
together, as the manner of some is; but
exhorting one another: and so much the
more, as ye see the day approaching. ”
As reflected in the scripture, God commanded
that assembling is necessary and should be our
modus operandi indicating categorically that it is not
optional. Almighty God unequivocally blesses
Bear in mind, that as a worshipper, you cannot
afford to abandon the gathering of the saints.
Unfortunately, the act of abandoning the assembling
with other believers who share the same core
spiritual beliefs have caused numerous ills and many
have succumbed to be classified as those who were
“almost persuaded” to one being identified as being
in a backslidden condition. I declare that you shall
remain rooted and grounded in Christ with a
conviction to find yourself in the presence of God
and glorifying God with your fellow brethren. It is
worth emphasizing that if you are a worship leader
or a member of the worship team it is highly
impossible for you not to attend public worship
1. A relational experience – This benefit is
Undoubtedly, a closer relationship is
developed firstly with God and also with the rest of
the congregants simultaneously which has proved to
be beneficial to the overall operations of any
3. Spiritual growth for others – Public worship
creates the opportunity for an increase in ones’
spiritual capacity from the pulpit to the pew. Growth
therefore is no respecter of person but with a heart
that desires to have a closer walk with the Lord you
can be guaranteed it is inevitable. As one gathers in
the house of the Lord the omnipresent God would
inhabit the praises of His people and the preached
Word when delivered would expose all to sound
teaching and instructions which shall therefore
minimize any misinterpretation or misapplication of
the Word of Truth. Now understand that as a
worshipper it is imperative that you know the Word
for it is the same Word that is regurgitated to God as
part of your act of worship to Him.
There is a school of thought which subscribes
to the fact that one does not have to attend church to
have a relationship with God…this continues to be a
debatable topic however, as a worshipper there is
much danger in staying away from the gathering of
the saints, so it is advisable to be vigilant and be
aware of the strategies of the devil to keep us away
from being empowered in God’s presence.
4. Maximization of our gifts – Evidently, your
gift can be used individually in your closet but there
is a greater sense of accomplishment by utilizing
your gifts as an encouragement to others who may
be discouraged, frustrated, oppressed or rejected.
Additionally, you can also benefit from the gifting of
others by the care and love you receive. One can
debate that you can send an email, a text or connect
via a telephone call for strength or encouragement
which are all remote approaches in comparison to
that face-to-face interactive system. Conclusively and
convincingly, it is a fact that nothing can be
substituted for that feeling of love and togetherness
that is felt when there is that physical bonding.
5. Experience Strength – As we assemble
ourselves together in worship our faith is
strengthened. All of us experience moments of
weaknesses, moments of doubts, moments of
bewilderment and moments of stress. However, by
the grace of God and by gathering with the saints of
God your faith is strengthened and even developed
making it absolutely difficult for the enemy to have
you believe that you should ‘throw in the towel’
because the challenges in life are too much for you,
but I admonish you to “press in” and worship Him.
“Let the fire on your altar never burn out.”
Why Worship God?
H ave you ever noticed how difficult it is for us
to worship God when all the walls around us seem to
be falling apart or caving in upon us?
When worship is embedded in us however, it
does not matter the prevailing circumstances you
literally dig deep within your spirit and shout unto
God with a voice of triumph in spite of.
I recall getting the most life changing call on
the 11 th of January 2009 when my sister called me to
inform me of the passing of our dear mother. I
became immediately hopeless and feared that I
would not be able to make it in this world without
Amazingly, the day of her home going
celebration I conducted the service, and all eyes were
on me as I led the worship team. Questionable eyes
pierced through my body and thoughts were
scattered all over the room because I was unmovable
and unshakeable. I was not loveless, heartless or
emotionless. What perhaps was demonstrated as I
learnt over the years was mastering the key of
worshipping in the face of my pain and my loss.
Listen to me, God gives us strength.
Similarly, King David learnt to worship God in
His pain and loss of his son who had died. I cannot
imagine the magnitude of pain that he felt upon
losing his child, notwithstanding the fact that the loss
of a loved one is a mammoth burden to bear. During
David’s period of grieve and despair his posture was
turned from mourning into rejoicing – we should
emulate such posture.
The Bible declares in 2 Samuel: 12:20 that
David got up from his slumber on the ground (which
represented a defeated position in this instance),
washed himself, applied lotion on his skin, changed
his raiment and entered into the tabernacle to
worship God. (paraphrased). David felt so much pain, he
was in much agony. I can relate to these emotions, but I
preserved in worship because I needed God then and still
need Him now more than ever.
Evidently, we ought to worship God because
we need Him. Worship is where we focus on Him.
How can there be worship absent of the creator? We
sing songs, we listen to prolific preachers bellow
profound sermons, and we even serve effectively in
ministry and classify these as worship.
Unfortunately, these are all elements of
worship which can easily become distracted by
personal issues. One may be attending church but
did not like the song selection, or the worship team
did not harmonize, or the preacher’s tie was not
matching his pants and shoes unknowingly, right
there...distraction comes because the concentration
point was not on God. However, when you have a
purpose in your heart you shall enter the courts or
sanctuary to worship wholeheartedly, you honor
God by your act of surrender and submission.
As a worshipper, your likes or dislikes are
shelved; for worship is never based on your personal
preferences but on the King of Kings and Lord of
Lords who is our focus point. In other words, it is
critical to experience a move of God as the
worshipper; this can only be achieved by total
submission to the Holy Spirit and you intentionally
decreasing (flesh) thereby allowing the Holy Ghost
to have full pre-eminence. Do not ever strive to be a
hindrance to your breakthrough. Successful worship
that pleases God requires a complete dying to the
flesh and the works of the flesh.
The famous Psalm 100:4:
“I would enter His gates with thanksgiving,
and into His courts with praise; be thankful
unto Him and bless His holy name.”
Beloved there is no mention of the Psalmist
lamenting the fact that he would enter the gates with
worries and his own opinion. Advisably, the
statement one should let go and let God is very
applicable when approaching or entering into the
presence of God. God is able to handle your
circumstances just leave them all at the altar so that
he can alter your affairs.
Worship becomes easy when we love God, and
we are appreciative of all that He is doing in our
lives and upon the face of the earth His mercies are
evidently and definitely new every morning. The
journey of worship is progressive, for it is a selfless
act of our love towards God. The more we love Him,
the more we fall deeper in love with Him and as a
consequence, our expression of worship becomes our
regime of the day regardless of where we are.
Breaking news brothers and sisters, don’t you
know that worship is not predominantly for us?
Don’t get me wrong , we do benefit from it, but it was
designed first and foremost from a selfish position of
love towards God. He loves us and demonstrated
His love toward us even when we were wretched
and worthless He died for us.
That right there is enough to give Him the
praises that is due unto Him.
Examine the character of God as faithful, the
Creator of the universe, our undisputed champion
and our forever friend He is indeed worthy of our
“When I think of the goodness of Jesus and
what He has done for me, my soul cries out
hallelujah thank God for saving me.” The
aforementioned is a well-known old chorus which I
grew up singing and today I understand that God
deserves to be worshipped for His great work
toward all of humanity.
As you reflect on your personal life, you have
testimonies of the great things that God has done for
you. May I remind you that being alive and
experiencing soundness of mind is enough to give
God some praise. I can join you in testifying that as I
write this book under the leadership of the Holy
Spirit, He has kept me alive for a purpose. It is not by
chance that He has me writing this book whilst I am
confined in the walls of my apartment due to the
spreading of the COVID-19 in China.
In the midst of this experience, it is the worship
in me that kept my family and I upbeat and hopeful
by experiencing the peace of God. Advisably, we are
to engage in worship in all our circumstances and see
the hands of God operating in our affairs by allowing
and disallowing some things in our lives.
In this life-threatening saga emanating from
this unknown and deadly virus it was critical for me
to maintain the connection with God by drawing
nearer to Him, “Draw me nearer, nearer, nearer
blessed Lord to the precious bleeding side.” This is a
line from one of my favorite hymns which
expressively reminded me of the desire to be drawn
closer to my Father... As we worship God, He
inhabits our worship. Don’t you know as we worship
God enthrones it, which is to say our worship
becomes His throne; He rests upon it.
Ultimately, as you draw closer to Him you are
empowered and enlightened for truly, we are
beneficiaries of worship and therefore we are to be
cautious that as we worship it is a selfless expression
of our love to Him. We must never be self-centered.
Flesh must be crucified in His presence and outside
the courts. In other words, flesh must die every day
as God perfects us in His image and likeness.
Our dedication towards worship to God is
extremely essential in our walk for we are mandated
not only to be servants of God, joint heir with Christ,
sons of God, kingdom builders, kingdom movers
and shakers but also worshippers.
There are some unbelievable truths that
confirm that you may attend church but did not
worship. Many songs may have been sung and
executed lustily and yet worship to God would have
been absent. In some cases, one may have listened to
a powerful preached word but yet the element of
worship or even the expression of worship can be
Amazingly, zeal does not equate to worship.
Allow me to clarify. Operating in the Body of Christ
with all the zeal and passion can be exhibited but
your heart in worship is one that is yet to be desired
for there is only an outward impression but
internally man’s heart may be so far away from God.
All our external drama can prevent us from
truly experiencing internal peace.
Unfortunately, my dear reader, many times all
of the above may be achieved yet it is not received in
the nostril of God as a sweet-smelling savor.
Notably, all the above are all wonderful elements of
worship, and it shall be erroneous to classify those as
worship in and of themselves in other words, these
acts cannot stand on their own.
Hindrances Or Limitations
To Worship
N otwithstanding the fact that we are to
worship God in spirit and in truth, we all encounter
challenges that may hinder our worship to God. Let
us, therefore, closely examine the many hindrances
of worship.
1. Your attitude – It is particularly unbecoming
to worship God with the wrong attitude. John 4: 23-
24 once more reminds us of the importance of
obeying God’s Word which focuses on the attitude of
worship ( the how to worship ) which must be done in
spirit and in truth. Matthew 15:8 further highlights a
people that was drawing nigh to God with their
mouths and a people that was honoring Him with
their lips but sadly like some of us in the Body of
Christ today our hearts are far from God. Having the
right attitude as we embark upon entering the house
of God or your secret place of worship makes it
easier to receive from God, to hear from God, to
allow you to pour out your heart to Him, to intercede
for others and to enjoy being in His presence.
In Psalm 122: 1,2 it says:
“I was glad when they said unto me le t us go
into the house of the Lord our feet shall
stand within thy gates oh Jerusalem.”
Your attitude towards worship is also reflected
by your process of preparation. This preparation of
excitement to encounter the King is depicted even
before you enter the building. As you enter your
vehicle, as you enter the taxi or if you are living in
close proximity of the sanctuary your attitude should
be one of expectancy and joy for you are ready to
commune with your Savior.
Accepting God and having the right attitude
towards God is not the major challenge. What about
possessing the right attitude to God but a wrong
attitude towards a fellow brother or sister, is it
possible to worship God effectively? My response is
a resounding NO!
Matthew 5: 23-24 and Matthew 18: 15-17 advise
the children of God how we are to relate to our
brethren in Christ. Every bitterness, unforgiveness,
malice or even ill-thought against your brother must
be never mentioned among you as a child of the
Most High God. In order beloved, for God to accept
your sacrifice of worship our hearts must be clean.
Repent and reconcile with your brother immediately.
Never allow the spirit of Cain to reign in your heart
for that nature shall limit your worship to God who
desires your worship and is ready to forgive you.
Lack of knowledge – The Bible says in Hosea
“ my people perish because
of lack of knowledge. ”
One of the main purposes of this book is to
deposit additional knowledge of worship and your
relationship with God. Even as you delve deeper
into worship it is absolutely necessary for your
knowledge to be expanded. The Bible is your
only road map that directs your worship experience.
Be informed therefore that your worship to God
must be truth related and not one that is directed by
doctrine of men.
Examine Matthew 15:9 as it reveals of the
discourse between Jesus and the Pharisees his critics,
“ In vain do they worship me, teaching of doctrines
of men ” . Do not allow ignorance to hinder your
worship but seek to know God even more. God is
ready, willing and waiting on the souls that desire to
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