Our Lady Of Fatima Church NEWSLETTER May 2024

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May 2024

Our Lady of Fatima 13400 NE 28th Street

A Chapel of the SSPX

Vancouver, WA 98682

Pastor: - Fr. Rami Madanat

Coordinators: - Joseph & Agatha DeBartolo - E-mail: OLoFCoords@gmail.com - Cell phone: 360-852-5343 - Church: 360-254-7994 Website: sspxolf.org Other contact information: - Prayer Chain: OLoFPrayerChain@gmail.com - Chapel Treasurer: OLoFVanTreasurer@gmail.com

- E-mail: SSPXOLFpastor@gmail.com Mass Times : Check webpage for updates - Sundays: 8 am Low & 10:30 Sung High - Saturdays: 9 am - 1st Fridays: Holy Hour 6pm, Mass 7pm Confessions : - 30-45 minutes before all Masses - Rosary 30 min before all Masses Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament: - 1st Friday at 6pm - 1st Saturday after Mass Baptisms, Extreme Unction & Sick Calls: - Arrange with the Coordinators Holy Matrimony: - Arrange with Pastor 6 months prior

- Holy Name Society: OLoFHNS@gmail.com - St. Anthony’s Outreach OLoFOutreach@gmail.com

Priory: St . Thomas Becket RCC 25269 E. Bolton Road, Veneta, OR 97487 Phone # 541-935-0149 Prior - Fr. Shane Pezzutti FSSPX

Announcements at a Glance Children of Mary Mother’s Day Flowers Fundraiser: Pre-orders accepted until Sunday, May 5. (see pg 10 for details) Feast of the Ascension May 9: Traditionally a Holy Day of Obligation. We are fortunate to have two Masses offered at 9am & 7pm. Fr. Kimball is scheduled to be here May 9-12. Lots of confession time these 4 days for those that might need to fulfill their Easter Duty before May 19: All Catholic faithful have a grave obligation to receive Holy Communion worthily during Easter Time, which ends Trinity Sunday, May 19. 1st Communicants Day of Recollection with the Sisters: Saturday, May 11, 9am - 2pm. Children should pack a breakfast and lunch. Annual Apologetics Competition and Gala: Saturday, May 11, 4 - 6:30 pm. Fr. Madanat & the Sisters from Veneta will judge our Apologetics students as they battle for top apologist! A must-attend event! (see posters in the hall for details) First Holy Communion is on Mother’s Day May 12 during the 10:30 Mass Feast of Our Lady of Fatima i s Monday, May 13, but our chapel’s patroness Feast Day will be Solemnized on Sunday, May 12. The first communicants will crown Our Beautiful Mother and all children of the chapel are invited to present Roses to Our Lady. The Sister will be with us this day to make it extra special. Pacific NW Chapels Young Adult Pro-Life Event: Saturday, May 18 Oregon Right to Life Rally & March in Salem at 2:30pm. (see pg 11 for details) End of Year Catechism Parent Meeting: Sun, May 19 at 9:15 in classroom #8 Last day of Catechism Classes: for children is May 19 and the Adult Classes will end May 28th with Fr. Madanat teaching the last class in the hall at 9:15am. PNW Altar Server Camp: Sun. June 2 - Tues. June 4. Fr. Madanat will be camp chaplain, joining former “master servers” Andrew, Thomas, and Jonathan DeBartolo, Casey Dudek and Stephen Pearson to blend acolyte training time with typical campout fun hosted at our coordinator’s property. (see details on pg 4)

Eucharistic Crusaders Contact Catherine Haslebacher at cathasle09@gmail.com Crusaders offered their work in March for “Those who die suddenly ” Tallies for March 2024: Treasure Sheets turned in: 17

Masses: 172

Holy Communion: 145

Visits to Our Lord: 152

Sacrifices: 1483

Spiritual Communions: 168 Good Examples: 437

Daily Offerings: 470 Decades of Rosary: 1886 15 Mins of Silence: 534 May dedication: Conversion of sinners and unbelievers through the Blessed Virgin Mary Rogation Days: A Practice Worth Reviving In addition to Ember Days, the Church in traditional times set aside four penitential days, that is, days wherein the faithful walked in public procession, praying the Litany of the Saints, singing psalms and responses in order to do penance, ask God to keep them safe from natural disasters, and for a bountiful harvest season.

The practice is long-standing in various ways, but its common form originated when St. Mamertus, bishop of Vienne (in Gaul), ordered the faithful to make three successive processions on the Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday before the feast of the Ascension, with the intention of doing penance and asking God to deliver them from a series of natural disasters which

plagued the city: an earthquake, a fire that burned down the town hall, and an incursion of wild deer into the town. The disasters stopped after the litanies were celebrated. Traditionally, the faithful are asked to observe days of fast (one principle meal) and partial abstinence (meat taken once a day) on April 25 (Greater Litanies), Monday-Wednesday before the Feast of the Ascension (Lesser Litanies), this year May 6-8, the Vigil of Pentecost (May 18) and Ember Days (May 22, May 24, and May 25). The practice was added to the Liturgical calendar in 813 at the Council of Mainz. Rogation days and Ember Days were set aside in the Liturgical reform of 1969. Given the current global and Church situation, this might be a practice worth pursuing.

Renovation Update

When it rains, it pours, and in this case this is in a good way! The Building Committee has been busy, busy, busy with upgrades and improvements both inside and outside. ● The Sanctuary has been streamlined with a Credence Niche which was added in time for the Holy Week and Easter services. This replaces the small table which has added more space for our priests and acolytes to negotiate their movements on and around the altar during solemn ceremonies ● Interior painting around the chapel doors looks great. Maybe these good looking walls will inspire a painting party this summer. ● The new fencing and gates add greater security and easier access to the Church. No more parking in the middle of 128th to unlock the gate! ● The parking lot cracks and potholes have been filled and the resealing and painting of fresh lines is slated for warmer/dryer days ahead. ● On the building’s exterior, gutters and other repairs have been set up ahead of painting. …..and while we are on the topic of beautification and renovation….. Lynne DiGrande, our master gardener, is looking for OLFsters who can give a little time on Wednesdays 10 am-2 pm from Spring thru Fall to help keep the landscaping around the church in proper order. No experience needed: Just a willing attitude and ability to follow directions. For more information contact Lynne DiGrande at 503-970-6161

Recommended Reading for May from OLF’s Librarian Tim Cleary

Lending Library Librarian, Tim Cleary, wants to highlight two BIG sections of the Fr. Heidt Library for May: Mary & Marian Shrines. Also in this month are feasts of St. Joseph, of which there are many books. Thanks to all who have taken advantage of the wealth of Catholic Wisdom contained in the small walls of our library!

Focus on Groups: Ascende Singles Group This is a busy time of year for OLF’s Young Adult Singles Group, Ascende. Formed more than a decade ago, Ascende’s goal is to offer social activities and participation in Catholic-minded events for our young, single adults 18-30. The spring and early summer are highlighted by the upcoming ORTL Rally & March, with Ascende members joining other young adults from the PacNW chapels on Saturday, May 18. (details on the rally weekend events can be found on pg 11) In addition to social activities, Ascende assists in the preparation of OLF’s annual Blue and White Banquet this year on Saturday, June 8 (see pg 8 for details) and in decorating the chapel for our major liturgical seasons (Christmas and Easter). Are you a young adult, single, 18-30? Are you looking to connect with a group of like-minded Catholic singles? Contact Savio Weinhart for more information. Oregon Right to Life Oratory Contest Winner from St. Thomas Becket

Each year, National Right to Life sponsors an Oratory Contest, and state affiliate organizations hold a competition to select a winner to represent their state at the National Convention in Washington, DC. Competitors give a 5-7 minute speech on a pro-life topic of their choice. Judging is based on

delivery, content, and accuracy, among other components. This event provides a great opportunity for students to learn to articulate the pro-life message and meet other pro-life students. Oregon will be represented this year by Joseph Mataisz, from St. Thomas Becket Church in Veneta. Joseph is the son of Sarah Mataisz, and from our chapel he is grandson of Mark Bird and nephew of Anne Duyck. His speech will be delivered at the National Convention on June 29. Congratulations to him, and certainly OLF can be proud of this young man as well! Our prayers go with him and his family as they travel to DC for the NRTL Oratory Contest!

Archconfraternity St. Stephen's Schedule Refer to online server schedule for most up to date version & contact Casey Dudek if you can’t serve Masses Fri 7pm Sat 9am Sun 8am Sun 10:30 am / Ascension Thursday

1st Saturday 9am E & H Duyck 10am Benediction Tommy, Theo, E & H Duyck

6pm Holy Hour Greningers & Pearsons 1st Friday 7pm Mass Andrew & Johnny Fri, May 10th at 7pm Sully & Tommy Sat 8am Fr. K Andrew D & Joseph D Sat Nuptial Sung Mass 12pm Andrew T, Jonathan, 3 Zachs, Justin, Tommy

May 3-5

Cohen Miles

Casey, Nathan, Theo, Edward, Henry, Bryton, Joseph, William, John

May 9-10 May 11-12 May 18-19 May 25-26

Ascension Th 9am => Tommy & Mark Ascension Th 7pm => Bryton & Nathan Andrew G, Jackson, Sully, Tommy, Matthew Henry G, James G, Maxxis, George Casey, Sully, Nathan, Henry, Edward Oliver, Joseph, William, John Tommy, Theo, Jackson, Matthew, Johnny, Connor, Jameson, Maxxis, Mark

Sat 9am Fr. M Andrew G & James G

Luke W Peter M Miles Cohen Nathan Bryton

Edward William

Theo Oliver

PacNW Altar Server Camp The Archconfraternity of St. Stephen (ACSS) Guild leaders will be hosting a multi-chapel PacNW altar serving camp for boys and young men interested in learning and perfecting their skills as they serve on the Altar of God. Details: ➔ Begins Sun, June 2 at 1pm on our coordinator’s property. ➔ Server training sessions organized by experienced master acolytes ➔ Open-air camping (weather permitting) with all the fun and games that create a total camping adventure (in Battle Ground, WA) ➔ For more info see flyers in the hall, the DeBartolo Dudes or Casey Dude-k hyphenated Dude-k intended :-)

Ascende Presents: The Annual Our Lady of Fatima Blue and White Banquet

Saturday Night June 8th, 2024 Drinks 5pm Plated Dinner 6pm Live Music, Team Trivia

Last Call 9:30pm Tickets & Details $85 each; purchase here: sspxolf.org/events Purchase deadline May 31st 21 and over please Child Care: Available on a limited basis to those who have no other option. Please email Steve Causseaux for details: skcausseaux@gmail.com

Priest's Pantry Contact Susie Marvin at jmarvinjr@hotmail.com

Sat before the Sun 2 meals: Brunch & Supper


Sunday Brunch

1st / May 5 2nd / May 12 3rd / May 19 4th / May 26

Justina Causseaux Luciann Meyerhofer

Sally Webster Baby Wolfe Kristi Hamilton Kristi Hamilton Friday's Supper: Lynne Pearson

Fatima Vianney

Kate Brehm

Back-up: Susie Schenauer

OLF Hospitality Committee Contact Fatima Vianney at fatimarosevianney@yahoo.com Sundays Clean up after 2nd Mass 1st / May 5 Greninger family 2nd / May 12 J&M Dodge family 3rd / May 19 Marvin family 4th / May 26 Weinhart family Thank you Marion Wheeler who will do set up every Sunday

Church Cleaning Schedule We NEED more volunteers even if it’s just 1-2 times/year Please contact Monique Dodge at monique.dodge06@gmail.com April 29-May 4 D Wisniewski May 6-11 Brehm/Cleary May 13-18 St. Zita May 20-25 M Wisniewski/Zepeda May 27-June 1 St. Therese

Wedding Bliss Marriage is in the air this summer for several of our longtime parishioners. Gabriel Meyerhofer & Marissa Miles on May 18 Valerie Marvin & Gregory Stolz on June 22 Sonya Wisniewski & Joseph Bissing on June 29 Maria DeBartolo & Jacob Wilhelm on July 6 in Post Falls Madelaine O’Neil & Cristyan Zepeda on Sept 14 Audrey Meyerhofer & Nicholas Bomberger on Sept 21

Parents on Playground Patrol If you can't make your assigned week switch with someone and notify Sean Delaney at 971-409-9867

During Catechism Supervisor 9:15 - 10am

After Catechism Supervisor 10 - 10:30am

After 2nd Mass Supervisor 12:15 - 1pm


1st / May 5 2nd / May 12 3rd / May 19 4th / May 26


L. Meyerhofer


McBee Delaney

Causseaux Delaney Hamilton


Brehm OPEN

P. Meyerhofer

Before Mass Rosary Leaders Contact Jay Marvin at jmarvinjr@hotmail.com

Prayers for Those in Need In your kindness, please add to your daily prayers those of our chapel, who serve our communities and nation, as well


8am Mass

10:30am Mass


David Mullen Michael Wisniewski

2nd 3rd 4th 5th

Michael McBee

Jay Marvin Zach Brehm

as their families. Remember those struggling with chronic illness, family, or financial problems.

Tim Cleary

Aaron Meyerhofer Shane Meyerhofer

Joe Wisniewski

Joe Haslebacher

Capital Campaign Fund Raisers

Remaining on pledges: $70,328; Donations: $933,078*; (*Donations amount does NOT include the $200,000 realized from the sale of the Portland property) Join us for the Blue and White Banquet on Saturday, June 8th! (details on pg 9) Now that our property is more secure with the new gates; it’s time to improve building security by replacing our glass entry doors, whose locking mechanism is getting tired - we can relate to that. The building committee is in the process of getting quotes for this costly necessary upgrade, so stay tuned for Front Door Fundraiser details hopefully next month. A Word About Stipends As a matter of justice, our priests should be compensated for activities performed outside of bringing the Mass to us. Here are recommendations. ❖ Mass Offering: $20 (include intentions with payment and mail/give to priest or give to servers/ushers who will make sure Father gets it) ❖ Sick Calls: $25 ❖ Baptisms: $25-$50; server stipend optional ❖ Funerals and Weddings: $100; $10-$20 to each server ❖ Organist: $50. Choir: No stipend recommendation To reiterate, these are recommendations only and not required, but appreciated. Certainly be as generous as you are able to our priests and their helpers! Ladies Book Club: The next meeting will be May 8 They are reading “A Band of Brigands in 1793”. Contact: kristi.hamilton@thmail.io Teen Book Club: Meets on 4th Sunday after the 2nd Mass. (May 26) This month’s book is “The Fourteenth Floor” by Clara Perkins (aka our beloved, Molly Pearson) Available on Amazon. Questions perrymatthew_@hotmail.com Men’s Book Club: The next meeting in June; TBD. they are completing Book 3 of CS Lewis’ Space Trilogy, “That Hideous Strength”. Contact skcausseaux@gmail.com, or mtmantim1@gmail.com

Mother’s Day Flower Fundraiser Fundraiser Surprise your wife/mother/friend while supporting a great fundraiser brought to you from the Children of Mary group to raise money for their Easter 2024 trip to Browerville, MN, the SSPX USA mother-house, for the Sisters investiture ceremony. The Society Sisters will impart their floral expertise in guiding the girls to make these fresh bouquets on Sat May 11 for your enjoyment on Mother’s Day Pre-Orders appreciated at the COM table in the hall until May 5 X-Small $10, Small $25, Medium $50, Large $75

Church Collections

2024 Donations First Collections Mother of Lu Priory (STB)

March $ 10,405 $ 1,069

February $ 12,916


957 594

$ 962.23


Average Sunday attendance for March was 243 Thank you for your support & generosity!

Follow Your Money The weekly 1st collection is earmarked for OLF expenses to do business, like

utilities, operating expenses, general upkeep, etc… 2nd collections are earmarked for the following:

● 1st Sunday: Mothers of Lu, for our own pursuing a religious vocations ● 2nd Sunday: HNS collection for the building fund. (this is our buffer) ● 3rd Sunday: SSPX quarterly collections (explained in detail below) ● 4th Sunday: St. Thomas Becket Priory collection. ● 5th Sunday: As needed for special needs. Can you tell me more about SSPX quarterly collections? The Society’s USA District has quarterly collections it asks of all its chapels. The dates are not fixed, but generally they are tied to these Feast Days and the funds collected are explained below: Spring: Good Shepherd Sunday. To help support those who need financial assistance to pursue Traditional religious or priestly vocations. Summer : Feast of the Precious Blood. For the ongoing development of SSPX schools in the US and the training of those who teach in our schools. Autumn : Feast of St. Michael the Archangel . Supporting SSPX’s work to provide training for priests who want to come to Tradition from the Novus Ordo, and the training of Society Priests through various priestly meetings. Winter : Feast of St. Francis Xavier . Helping the S ociety’s work in missionary countries where poverty makes it impossible for the faithful to support the Priests, Brothers, and Sisters who bring the Mass & Sacraments

Our Lady of Fatima Masses and





Adult & Children Catechism Classes Every Sunday 9:15-10am

Confessions 45 min & Rosary 30 min before all Masses

St. Joseph the Worker 1

5th Sunday after Easter Mass 8am & 10:30am Mother of Lu Prayers & 2nd Collection 1st Sun Server Practice & Little Flower Meeting 12:30pm 5 Solemnity of Our Lady of Fatima 1st Communion & May Crowning Mass 8am & 10:30am Fr. Kimball & Fr. Madanat HNS Sunday & 2nd Collection Blessing of Articles Mother's Day Flower Fundraiser 12

Landscaping with Lynne Every Wed 10am - 2pm 8



Rogation Days May 13, 14 & 15

Feast OLF

Landscaping with Lynne




PENTECOST SUNDAY Mass 8am & 10:30am Toastmasters 12:30pm

Ember Wednesday

Landscaping with Lynne 22




TRINITY SUNDAY Mass 8am & 10:30am 2nd Collection for Priory Teen Book Club 12:30pm 26

Memorial Day

Landscaping with Lynne 29



Activities for May 2024




1st Saturday Mass 9am & Benediction HNS Meets 11-12:30pm 1st Sat Groups 10:30-12:30pm 4 Mass 8am & 9am Fr. Kimball & Fr. Madanat 1st Communicants Day of Recollection 9-2pm Apologetics Gala 4-6:30pm

1st Friday Holy Hour 6-7pm

PCP 6:30-7:30pm

Exposition & Confessions Mass 7pm 3


Mass 7pm Fr. Kimball

Feast of the Ascension Mass 9am & 7pm Fr. Kimball 9



Vigil of Pentecost Mass 9am

Gabriel Meyerhofer & Marissa Miles Sung Nuptial Mass at 12pm

Wedding Rehearsal 5pm




Ember Saturday Mass 9am Carmelite Tertiary 10:30-12pm 25

Ember Friday


Landscaping with Lynne at OLF every Wed 10-2 Call ahead 503-970-6161

The Queenship of the BVM

The Feast of Corpus Christi



May Reflection: Our Queen and Our Mother Yea rather, blessed are they who hear the word of God and keep it. (Lk: 11:28) Mary, mother of Jesus, humble and willing servant of God. She is trusting, faithful and obedient. Most, if not all of us, know those words of Our Lord in St. Luke’s Gospel referencing His Mother: She hears the word of God and keeps it. ❖ When the Angel Gabriel announces her part in the mission of our redemption at the Annunciation ❖ At the adoration of the shepherds and Magi upon His birth ❖ The Presentation, where Simeon and Anna acknowledge Jesus as the Messias, our Lord and Redeemer ❖ Her amazement finding Him in the temple after His loss for three days There are other places in the Gospels where Mary is mentioned, and in most of them the Gospel writers don’t fail to give us a glimpse into her mindset. She wonders and is exceedingly puzzled; she marvels; she trusts; but in all these events and among Marian writers we consistently see that she never fails to “keep all of these things” she learns in her heart. In May, traditionally dedicated to Mary, how appropriate is it that we should spend time reflecting on how she lived her life in perfect harmony with the will of God, and the lessons of faith and trust in God that we learn from her. Full of grace and united to the will of God, Our Lady is our model in obedience, trust, and faith. From the cross Our Lord entrusts us to her care as our mother. In all of life’s struggles–from the stupidity we encounter in daily life–to the serious crosses we are asked to bear, Mary is our Mediatrix, our Mother, and our Queen. As St. Louis de Montfort counsels us: Ad Jesum per Mariam

Our Lady of Fatima Church welcomes our visitors! New to Tradition or not, please stay after Mass and enjoy coffee and socializing! Joining our community is easy! Please fill out a registration card and put it in the designated box in the hall near the Epistle side door.

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