Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey

Chapter Nine

Full Time Ministry


D uring the first weeks of 1967, doors began to

open for me to preach. We would leave early on Sunday

morning and drive home after the Sunday night service.

Rick and I would sleep in the back seat, while Jean

drove. Sometimes we would get home just in time for

my morning prayer, and off to work I went.

In February, I heard the Holy Spirit say it was

time for us to launch out into full-time ministry. Jean

agreed, and we started preparing to sell our house and

furniture. Looking back, I can’t imagine what was going

through Jean’s mind at that time. We had just owned our

first home for only a few months. I had a good job and

seemingly we had gotten what we wanted, but it wasn’t

what we wanted after all. We decided to follow the Holy

Spirit and do His will.


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