Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey

During our time in El Reno, I started a Christian

band, called the Gospel Troubadours. The group

consisted of myself, Freddie Ash, Tony Bailey, Jerry

Bennett, and Leonard Spears. It was a busy life being in

radio and traveling with the musical group to different

churches, but we made it work. Jean and I, and our son

Rick, attended the First Assembly of God Church in El

Reno, where Kenneth McGee was the pastor. One

Sunday morning Bobbie Wilkins, a missionary from

Liberia, West Africa, shared her testimony. Something

supernatural happened in my life that day. I believe the

Lord was preparing me for a new season.


Wichita Falls

In 1965, I received a phone call from my friend

Joe Tom White, telling me there was an opening at

KWFT radio in Wichita Falls, Texas. Jean and I loaded

up our car with our 18-month-old son, Rick, and drove

to Wichita Falls for an interview. I was very excited

about the possibility to work at a CBS affiliate station.

The only catch was that I had to start work at 3:30 each


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