Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey

Chapter Seven

Ricky Dale Gentry


O ur son, Ricky Dale, came into this world on

April 20 th , 1964. He was born at Lindley Hospital in

nearby Duncan, Oklahoma. In those days, the fathers

were not allowed into the delivery room, so I stayed in

the waiting room, accompanied by my brother-in-law,

Kenneth Denham. I had prayed for a son and God

answered my request. I was only 20 years old when

Rick was born. He was only two when Jean and I went

into full-time ministry, leaving his familiar

surroundings and his best friend, Scottie. His new home

became a 35-foot trailer, while moving to a new location

every two weeks.

One of my favorite “Rick m emories” was when

we lived in Rush Springs, and I had gone to Arkansas to

preach. Rick was 12 at the time and talked his mom into

letting him drive the final mile to our house. When they

arrived home, Rick put his foot on the gas pedal instead


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