Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey

Jean and I didn’t know where we were going

next. However, I discovered that different radio stations

would contact Elkins to see if any of their graduates

needed a job. I heard there was an opening at KCCO

Radio in Lawton, Oklahoma, not far from where we

grew up. I interviewed for the position and was

thankfully hired.

JFK, Jerry Lee Lewis, and Joe Tom White

My time working at KCCO Radio was an

eventful season. I served as a sports commentator,

engineer, and radio announcer. My assignments also

included interviews with celebrities, such as Jerry Lee

Lewis and Roy Clark.

One of the most memorable times of my

broadcast career happened on November 22nd, 1963,

the day John F. Kennedy was assassinated. I was hosting

my radio show, when suddenly the program director

shouted from the newsroom, “ turn me on !” He then gave

the stunning report that President Kennedy had been

killed. It was a sad day in America.


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