Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey

Chapter Six

Radio Announcer

O ne day a salesman came by the Texaco station

and told me his son was graduating from a radio school

in Dallas and had landed a job as a disc jockey at KOMA,

which was the leading Top 40 station in Oklahoma City.

I knew at that moment, that I would somehow be able

to attend Elkins Institute of Radio and Electronics in


Soon, I drove to Dallas to visit the school and was

able to enroll. It meant living 200 miles apart, so I could

pursue my dream of being a radio announcer,

sportscaster, and station engineer. It was a huge sacrifice

and challenge for our young marriage, but Jean was in

agreement. There was simply not enough money for us

to rent an apartment in Dallas and pay for my tuition, so

she lived with both of our parents. I rented a room not

far from the school. Jean still says that sometimes we


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