Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey

On our wedding day, Jean and I moved into our

first home. I had bought a small, 21-foot trailer, for three

hundred dollars. Jean brought everything she owned in

a small suitcase, and we started our life together in

Stecker, Oklahoma. Two teenagers in love! Ready to

spend the rest of our lives together!


In 1962, Jean and I, and my mom and dad, moved

back to my hometown of Comanche, shortly after my

dad resigned the church in Stecker. I started working

with my dad, where we operated a Texaco gas station.

It was a full-service station that included windshield

washing, checking tire pressure and oil. I was making

$35.00 per week but was still dreaming of being a radio

announcer and sportscaster. God is an awesome God!


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