Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey

Little Ray to the wealthy businessman's house with the

big swimming pool.

When we arrived at the palatial-looking house,

Little Ray confidentially walked up to the porch, and

began to knock on the door, as I stood a few feet behind.

A woman finally came to the door and asked if she could

help us. Little Ray immediately said, “we want to speak to

the man of the house .” The lady smiled and said, “ one

moment please. ” Suddenly, a man appeared in the

doorway who looked to be at least 7 feet tall, asking how

he could help us. Little Ray spoke without hesitation,

“me and my cousin Dale Wayne want to swim in your

swimming pool .” He looked us over, smiled and said, “ go

home and get your swimming trunks on.” Little Ray

responded by saying, “ w e already have them on.” It was

surreal, walking through that beautiful home, out the

back door and into that gigantic pool, while thinking, “ if

my friends could only see me now!” I learned a great

lesson that day from my cousin Little Ray concerning

faith and tenacity.


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