Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey

“I could have never even known about the prayer and

prophetic element of ministry had I not watched you flow so

freely in that vein. Something was deposited in me through

experiences like sitting in a pastor’s office watching you pray over family after family who would be waiting in line outside

for their turn to get under the sound of your prophetic gift.

Bringing my daughters into your prayer room in your home,

watching you lay hands on them and declare words from God

over them showed me the value of family impartation beyond

congregational ministry. You have impacted your generation, my generation, and generations to come.” -Lawrence Neisent

Oklahoma City

“Happy Father's Day to one of my remaining spiritual

fathers. Thank you for all you have poured into my life and ministry and holding high the banner of prayer and revival.” -Paul Brownback

Fort Worth, Texas

"...Dale & Jean Gentry have impacted my life and

family in multi-dimensional ways. Dale Gentry spoke 'one

Word from God' that changed my life and focus. Declaring


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