Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey

where he spent several days a week in the mountains,

working with other young people.


Partners and Young Preachers

In 2015, we had another wonderful partners ’

gathering, which included the Young Preachers, hosted

by Pastors Jimmy and Jaquita Seal, at Jubilee Christian

Center in Austin. Jimmy and Jaquita have been a

wonderful blessing to our lives and Breakout Ministries.

Later that year, our long-time friend, Lynda

Ragland, went to be with the Lord. She and her husband

Joe were great supporters of Breakout Ministries. They

lived across the street and came over to pray with us

many times. Joe also served on our ministry board.

In December, we concluded our 30-year season of

traveling ministry except for prior commitments with

Joel and Linda Budd, EZ and Lena Jones, James and

Bernadine Parker and Alex and Wendy Lee. I finished

the year with ministry times at Grace Chapel in West

Palm Beach, Florida with Pastor Bryan and Cynthia


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