Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey

Remedios, one of my prophetic sons and our personal

physician, accompanied me on the journey. David and I

were able to spend some quality time together.

The final night of my ministry time was in

Chichester, hosted by Gerald Coates and Roger Ellis.

That night, I announced that my season of ministry in

England was concluded. I shared highlights of my 21

year U.K. journey and prayed for everyone in

attendance. Following the service that night, I went out

for a meal with Martin and Anna Smith, Tim and Becca

Jupp, Roger and Margaret Ellis, and David Remedios. I

had made relationships that would last for a lifetime.


Daily Email Prayers Begins

In 2012, I started sending out daily prayers and

faith declarations to thousands of people on our email

list. Cheryl Ortiz, Lyndia Meeks, and Evelyn Gastelum

assisted me in calling America to pray. We are


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