Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey

his daughter Ashley, drove down from Kansas City to

attend the meetings, and we took a day trip to my

hometown of Comanche.

Taylor Gentry

Also in 2010 , our granddaughter, Taylor Gentry,

graduated from First Baptist Academy in Dallas, Texas.

It was a great night of celebration with family and

friends. That night she shared her desire to attend The

University of Oklahoma. That dream came true when

she received an acceptance letter and later attended OU.

That summer Taylor Traveled with us to minister at The

Rock Church of Kansas City, Missouri, where she

ministered in song before I preached.

Recording of Final CD Prayer Series

Jim Wagy produced my last prayer series

entitled, Lets Pray America in his recording studio in

Kansas City, Missouri. Leeland Mooring wrote and sang

our theme song with his dad, Todd Mooring, who

played background music. Several of my friends sang


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