Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey

Chapter Nineteen: Revival In Fort Worth………...….125

Chapter Twenty : The White House…………………..131

Chapter Twenty- One: Megan Gentry………………...139

Chapter Twenty- Two: Jordan Greenlee…………...…141

Chapter Twenty- Three: Marsham Street………….....14 7

Chapter Twenty-Four: Hunter Gentry …………….....151

Chapter Twenty-Five: Brock Gentry………………....159

Chapter Twenty-Six: Roswell…………………...…….163

Chapter Twenty-Seven: Jean’s Healing…………..….167

Chapter Twenty-Eight: Gateway Chapter Ends…….175

Chapter Twenty-Nine: Golden Anniversary………..185

Chapter Thirty: Our Move To Austin………………..189

Chapter Thirty-One: Internet Radio……………….…195

Chapter Thirty-Two: Breakout Radio Church……....199

Chapter Thirty-Three: My 75 th Birthday Party………203

Chapter Thirty-Four: Conclusion……………………..211

Poem: “ Only One Life ” By Brittanee Greenlee ……...212

Poem: “Papa’s Song” By Taylor Gentry Alexander...214

A Few Comments By Family And Friends :…...……..215

My Benediction: ……………………………….………..228

Pastors And Cities Where We Ministered: …………..230

My Gentry Ancestry:…………………………………..244

Photos: …………………………………………….…….247


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