I Appeal To Caesar!
The garments are not folded and carefully arranged, just the opposite! This pile of disheveled garments indicates two things: first, the men were in a hurry to throw their rocks, simply tossing their garments on the pile; secondly, the pile is too big to represent those legally allowed to participate; in other words, non-witnesses are participating! Saul is not just “guarding” the clothes, their placement at his feet acknowledges his appointed position and ecclesiastical sanction. He does not throw a single stone, but his supervisory role in this illicit affair is apparent to all, and his participation is without question. Saul, of course, knows why this procedure is taking place. He loves the ancient Scripture and its laws, and he does agree that Stephen should die. Saul has pushed to the back of his mind, the intrigue and lying that has set up this bogus trial! His mind is resolute and his calloused conscience registers one irrevocable thought: the death of a man, even a good, Jewish man, who declares Jesus to be the Jewish Christ, is justifiable. The stones do not trouble Saul, but the harsh language and hostility of the “witnesses,” seem unwarranted, unnecessary, wearisome, even sacrilegious!
“ Wake up and take your medicine, blasphemer!”
“Your prayers are not heard! The fires of Sheol await you!”
Stone after stone strikes the accused, and life . . . ebbs.
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