I Appeal To Caesar!
A burning conviction dominates Saul’s thinking and claims total obedience: he must silence the Jewish voices that proclaim Jesus to be the Christ. This belief now justifies Saul’s savage display of hatred leveled at Stephen, his former friend, and devout Torah teacher. * * * * * Concern about reason, legalities, and a missing governor are forgotten: there will be no delay—the formal hearing is now a lynching. Rage and violence cast aside reason and formalities. Stephen is dragged away to be stoned to death! Jewish law required a second session of the Sanhedrin to be held at least a day later, but this is forgotten! The governor’s consent is mandatory, but he happens to be out of town! The sorry events detonate like a series of explosive charges: the leaders are cut to the heart and infuriated by Stephen’s defense; they snarl with their voices and gnash with their teeth; the shouting by false witnesses creates total chaos; the ruffians rush upon Stephen and drag him out of the city. * * * * * The bewitched crowd brands Stephen a blasphemer. They shove, drag, carry, and finally throw the exhausted, bruised preacher into a shallow, broad, rounded pit outside one of the gates of Jerusalem. The event attracts a swelling crowd of spectators and sympathizers. People jostle each other to watch a man die! Formalities are forgotten, truth forsaken!
Rocks and stones are abundant, this place is partially chosen because there are rocks galore. Angry “witnesses”
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