I Appeal To Caesar!
In Caiaphas’ estimation, there were times when Jesus was outright confrontational with his teams of Pharisees and Sadducees. The High Priest squirms as he recalls a few examples of Jesus’ bold approach in crowd settings:
• scolding their disrespect of the Scripture, • charging their hypocrisy to be leaven, • accusing them of spiritual blindness, • declaring their foolish love of money, • challenging easy divorce practice.
Jesus also delighted in telling colorful stories, showcasing the worst characteristics of Pharisees. Every parable of Jesus presented some essential, spiritual truth, which at the same time indicted the Pharisees and Jewish leaders for not living up to Scriptural standards! Also, since Jesus has twice invaded “his” Temple, overturned the money-changers tables and released the sacrificial animals, Caiaphas is well aware of Jesus’ attitude about the real purpose of The Temple as a “House of Prayer.” To be charitable, one could summarize Jesus’ evaluation of the Pharisees and Sadducees like this: “They do not meet God’s standards.” “YES!” Caiaphas yells, “I KNOW ALL THAT!” His mental review of the problem so frustrates the High Priest that he catches himself pounding the walls with clenched fists. “Settle down now,” he tells himself, “there is an answer.” * * * * *
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