I Appeal To Caesar!
awareness of that divine protection registers in the mind of every person present.
Somehow, Saul also feels this inner assurance; he looks around . . . slowly, carefully, reverently . . . observing the hundreds of people sitting on the ground singing, each one sincere and responsive. Jesus requests everyone to stand and sing another Psalm, this time the famous Shepherd’s Psalm 23. The spiritual atmosphere intensifies as the people respond. Everyone present feels a part of God’s great flock of sheep —with their Good Shepherd watching over them! Seating the people, Jesus begins to teach Scriptural truths, illustrating them with simple stories. Slowly, dynamically, He projects His message, each word clear and distinct. Every person present feels the inspiring words are just for himself or herself alone! Jesus speaks about the importance of prayer, illustrating His message (of all things!) with a striking contrast between the styles of an arrogant Pharisee and a repentant publican. Some of the people nod their heads, everyone dislikes phonies! In contrast, terror registers on Saul’s face! A few people steal glances at the two robed Pharisees seated among them, marveling at the boldness and accuracy of Jesus in addressing such things. After about ten minutes Jesus pauses and says with obvious feeling: “Our heavenly Father now wishes to heal some of the sick who are present.”
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