I Appeal To Caesar!
At every turn, Jesus defeated Caiaphas and the religious Temple leaders. Certain episodes still haunt Caiaphas’ memory, running through his mind like some hated re-run movie:
• Twice Jesus forced money changers out of the Temple! (“It took a whole day to restore order, and it was a sizeable financial loss!”)
• Jesus taught with Rabbinical authority in all the synagogues! (“Who gave Him His credentials?”)
• He supposedly healed and performed miracles all over the land! (“What do these uneducated people know about the Law?”) • Jesus foretold the destruction of the magnificent Temple! (“He would need an army to destroy the Temple!”)
• Jesus’ teaching and crucifixion disrupted the Passover! (“Jesus had no respect for Holy Traditions!”)
• 50 days later at Pentecost, 3,000 Jews accepted this Christ! (“Have the people gone mad? What was all that babbling?”) • And, these were also baptized in the Pool of Israel! (“What an embarrassment! But, what could we do?”) * * * * * Shifting his thoughts to a bright memory, Caiaphas smiles and turns calm as he recalls how he persuaded the Sanhedrin to go along with the trial and crucifixion of Jesus.
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