I Appeal To Caesar!
9. Paul raises Eutychus (Acts 20:9-12). Taken from Acts of the Holy Spirit by C. Peter Wagner, p. 498
P. 3 Two on the Emmaus Road. Mark 16:23-24; Luke 24:13-31. P. 4 Worship in Spirit and Truth. John 4:23,24.
P. 5 The plot against Paul. At Thessalonica: Acts 17:1;
Acts 20:3. P. 5 Paul at Philippi: Acts 16:11, 25. 1 Thessalonians 1:5, 6. At Berea: Acts 17:10
Paul’s Personal Creed to the Ephesian Elders (An abbreviation of Acts 20 by Ernest Gentile)
1. Do the Lord’s work with great humility and tears. 2. Lay your life on the line, serving the Master no matter what. 3. Keep back no spiritual secrets, telling all things helpful. 4. Teach publicly and from house to house. 5. Preach the message of repentance to all ethnic groups. 6. Go where you are sent, though chains and tribulations await. 7. Be unmoved by warnings; resolve to finish your divine assignment. 8. Know that one day you will finish your course, saying good- bye. 9. Be innocent of any wrongdoing toward anyone. 10. Do not avoid declaring the whole counsel of God to His people. 11. Take heed to shepherd the flock of Jesus carefully. 12. Stay constantly alert, because after Paul’s departure, savage wolves will come to destroy, and ambitious elders will attempt to lead away people after themselves. 13. Warn the church night and day with tears. 14. Commend the people to “the word of His grace.” 15. Covet no one’s money or possessions 16. Be an example by laboring to support the weak.
Prophetic warning to Paul about going to Jerusalem: Acts 20:23; 21:5, 11.
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