I Appeal To Caesar!
the most complete an extended discussion, see Keener, Acts, Vol. 2, p. 2017ff.
There were several significant name changes in the Bible which indicated a divine insight, as: Abram to Abraham (Genesis 17:5), Sarai to Sarah (Genesis 18:15), Jacob to Israel (Genesis 32:28), Simon to Cephas [a stone] (John 1:42). It is noteworthy that Luke, the writer of Acts , makes Saul’s name change in his written record (the book of The Acts of the Apostles) while Barnabas and Saul are on their first missionary journey and ministering on the Island of Cyprus (Acts 13:9). Also note, from this time on (in the Book of Acts ) , the designation of the missionary team is “Paul and Barnabas” (names reversed), and also that “Paul” becomes Paul’s accepted name among the churches.
P. 9 “God’s Power [Strength] Is Made Perfect in Weakness.” 2 Corinthians 12:9.
P. 10 The Dead Mountain of Sinai. Paul’s comments in Galatians 4:24-31.
Endnotes for Chapter 10, A Farewell Journey P. 1 The Aegean Sea Area. Actually, what is usually referred to as “the second and third missionary journeys of Paul” could also be described as a concentrated effort by Paul on the communities around the Aegean Sea. Two of his significant churches were Corinth in Greece on one side of the Aegean Sea and Ephesus in Asia Minor on the other side of the Aegean. James D. G. Dunn provides this interesting insight: “. . . it is clear that the Aegean mission was the heart of Paul’s missionary work for Paul himself. Apart from Galatians and Romans, all the letters written by Paul or in his name were to churches founded in this period: Philippi, Thessalonica, Corinth, Ephesus, and also Colossae, only a hundred miles or so from the Aegean coast. More important in the long term, almost all his letters were written during this period from his Aegean bases…. So the Aegean mission was indeed the principal period of Paul’s missionary work and the one which has made the most lasting impact on Christian development and thought.” The Acts of the Apostles, pp. 212-213.
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