I Appeal To Caesar!

* * * * * Paul drops into his darkest night … O-O-o-o-h-h!

Then it happens — life breaks forth ! A volcanic eruption of joyful sound. Excitement, like a spring flood, surges throughout the foul passageways of that dreaded place, and dying Christians feel the tinge of resurrection surge within their miserable bodies. The rising sound is almost deafening!

“Paul, is it really you?”

“Our apostle has come to join us! Praise God!”

“Thank you, Lord, for sending our blessed apostle to


A great cry of praise to the Lord rises as new life flows into the prisoners of Death Row. Raspy, croaking voices suddenly burst forth in songs of faith to God. Their father in the faith, their spiritual leader has joined them!

Then, the greatest of marvelous surprises!

“Paul. . . dear. . . brother. . . in the faith of Jesus the Messiah.

. . is it really you?”

The feeble voice cuts through the darkness, causing

Paul to erupt with joy, his pain and misery forgotten!

“Peter, my Rock and teacher,” he cries out, “I am here, and together we will go to meet our blessed Lord Jesus and make our report to heaven!”

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