I Appeal To Caesar!
Chapter 11 Caesarea Appeal to Caesar
uilt by Herod the Great, the Roman Military City of Caesarea was strategically located, planned, built, and occupied. Not only does she sit like a proud queen on the coast of Palestine, but the city is positioned ideally on the great road from Tyre to Egypt. Caesarea boasts a commodious, man-made, deep water harbor to accommodate the warships of Rome as well as freighters, and smaller craft.
The Port City of Caesarea – Built By King Herod
A resident force of 2,000 troops is ready for any emergency. The city is located on the Mediterranean coast about 70 miles NW from Jerusalem, and 25 miles SW from Nazareth. It is the official residence of the Herodian kings and the Roman procurators of Judea, like Festus and Felix.
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