I Appeal To Caesar!

were upset because so many people stopped buying their foolish items!

Paul is sad that he cannot stop in Ephesus (although right on the way) because so many people would want to talk and share their testimonies. But, he must redeem his time! Although the team will bypass Ephesus, they will instead summon just the pastors of the house churches to Miletus for a Conference, thereby gaining the essential time needed.

“Oh, God!” Paul prays, “What would you have me


The Lord is quick to answer! Sixteen concepts for ministry come to mind! Such simple things, he muses, but so dynamic and essential for those in spiritual ministry (see Endnote): it will be straight-from-the-shoulder talk with life- giving principles! The Apostle knows he must prepare the leaders for difficult times ahead. Paul’s attention comes to focus on Jerusalem. The coming visit, he knows, is fraught with potential problems; however, he is elated that his team will make it to Jerusalem for the Feast of Pentecost 50 days after Passover. He smiles as he anticipates the apostolic welcome and grateful acceptance of both the large offering they bring — and the reception of his quality Gentile converts representing his churches of the Aegean area.

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