I Appeal To Caesar!
discussion with them: “How can the Gentiles become one with Israel?”
In one of their first get-acquainted sessions, Saul tells them of the great problem he had before conversion with the concept that Jesus could die on a cross when the Scripture says that such a person is cursed; how could Jesus die by crucifixion and be the Christ? To Saul’s amazement, Esther responds immediately: “Really, that concept is not a serious problem. The sins of all mankind, Jew, and Gentile, were indeed placed upon Jesus —just as the sins of Jewish people and priests were placed upon (or transferred to) the innocent sacrificial animals, which in turn died on behalf of the transgressions of the sinning people. The animals were substitutes so that men would not have to die. “Jesus, like those sacrificial animals, was willing to take all of our sins so that we might live to serve God wholly forgiven. Jesus, in that sense, was the Lamb of God, our personal substitute!” Saul bowed his head in thanksgiving, “Yes, your good answer is right and accurate. I now know, without a doubt, that Jesus paid the price for our redemption!” He does wonder to himself, “ how could I have been so foolish?” “I am impressed, Esther,” Saul comments, “at the ease with which you explain Scriptural texts. I wish more women knew the Scripture as you do. My impression is that you know the Bible better than any of the Pharisees with whom I associated!”
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