I Appeal To Caesar!
“What...?? The plan. . . . could work, it sounds feasible!” Saul’s friends agree! This new plan must work; they have no other choice ! “We will give it a try!”
But, after escape over the wall, where can Saul go?
Ananias, the wise, spiritual leader comes to Saul’s rescue! “There is only one suitable place for you to go. I have thought and prayed much about this decision. “Go deeper into Arabia, but southward , to Petra the second great Arabian city, a city cut out of the red rock walls of Edom. Petra is about a twelve-day caravan journey from here, and it will take you far South of the Dead Sea, far enough away that you will not be pursued. “Your enemies will not even think such a thing possible; it is almost as far south of Jerusalem as Damascus is north of Jerusalem! “Thanks be to God; a caravan has been forming for the past few days out beyond our City Gate. Go and attach yourself to them in the early morning, before the sun rises. They leave early tomorrow and will travel past Petra, a Godsend! “Also, here, dear brother is a waterproof purse with money to help you on your way; you will need a change of clothes which you will find in this other waterproofed parcel. “Know, however, Petra is a city filled with worldly Gentiles and wild idolatry, there is very little Godly influence there. But, there does happen to be a small colony of Jews in
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