I Appeal To Caesar!
with the sentries. Every suspicious person is stripped, and the hair of some suspects is being pulled lest they should be wearing a wig. The whole city has become aware of the fugitive and the city-wide police stakeout!
Saul’s friends insist that he must flee Damascus
Artemus has already disappeared, gone! But, how can
Saul escape?
The walls of Damascus are high and strong, and the exterior surface of the stone walls have been sealed with a substance that makes them too smooth for invaders to climb or residents to descend. When the tall gates are shut tight and guarded, it does appear there is no possible escape!
Saul’s persecutors boast: “it is only a matter of time
before we apprehend this slippery fellow!”
Friends move Saul from place to place, hiding his whereabouts and appearance, ever searching for the next location; the time arrives, however, when every exhausted helper is out of options. The situation is desperate! Somehow, they must breach the walls! * * * * * Finally, Saul ends up in his last possible hiding place, and miserable it is! On the inner-city side of the eastern wall, he finds sanctuary among the poor oil-pressers, vegetable dealers, camel drivers, and shepherds.
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