I Appeal To Caesar!
healing a withered arm on the Sabbath, yet is all right to rescue an animal in a ditch. * * * * * Saul avoids cities and villages as much as possible, especially where there are Gentiles and idolatry. He and his men sleep out in the open at night. Each man has his own bundle, which includes a rolled-up bamboo mattress and a mantle for covering himself. They do not enter the travelers’ inns or the usual eating places of the Gentiles, for both the food and its preparation are impure. Theirs is a Spartan diet, for their Pharisee-leader fears delay and also spiritual corruption. Saul eats dry food and so do his men: flat cakes, olives, dried cheese, figs and other fruits.
Beautiful Mt. Hermon
The direct route through Samaria passes through stony but beautiful hills carpeted with colorful spring flowers; early on the second day, they glimpse the distant snows of Mount Hermon.
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