I Appeal To Caesar!
The owner of the horse in Capernaum, who is also a believer in Jesus, urges Amram. “Finish your journey! Return the horse whenever you can.” Brimming with thankfulness, Amram remounts, and races off, reaching Damascus without incident. The tired rider finds his mother and friends, who take him immediately to Rabbi Aaron of the Synagogue Immanuel. One of the trusted older leaders, Ananias by name, is also present for the interview. Rachel explains to her son how generous, helpful, and filled with faith these good people are. Both Aaron and Ananias express their faith in Jesus the Christ. Amram delivers the alarming news, “Rabbi Saul and five Temple soldiers are now on their way to this city to capture, arrest, chain, and return all run-away Jews registered in the synagogues who believe in Jesus to Jerusalem for punishment. Saul has official documents from Caiaphas the High Priest that will be recognized by the authorities of Damascus. They will be here in probably three days! This is an urgent situation and needs immediate action!” Rabbi Aaron responds, “Sixty of the two hundred and fifty adults in our congregation believe in Jesus Christ, and that includes the families of myself and Brother Ananias. But. . . before we do anything else, let us pray, and see what God might say!” Amram is struck with wonder and surprise as Rachel, her ten friends, the Rabbi, and Elder all drop to their knees in serious, vocal prayer! He listens as they pray fervently,
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