Holy Boldness
intimate access to Jesus? His answer was simple, direct, and definitive: “Whoever does the will of my Father is My brother and sister and mother.” It would no longer be a natural bloodline that would define the parameters of family. Rather, the recognized family of Jesus would be those who were actively seeking to cooperate with the Heavenly Father and respond to His voice. Who had access to Him? Who had family privilege? Those who were responding to the call of God. Others, even close family, were left on the outside looking in. Jesus was not playing favorites. The group Jesus was forming was not elitist or exclusive. This definition of Jesus’ closest relatives opened the door to anyone who wanted to be a part. At another time Jesus told his brothers who were telling Him to “go public” with His ministry, “My time has not yet come but yours is always opportune.” (John 8:6), which is to say, “You know who I am and so you have an opportunity now to draw near, but you have not yet taken advantage of it.” Jesus was not only speaking about loyalty to Himself. He was revealing the way to intimacy with Him was to be obedient to the Father’s will. God does not play favorites but He does have His intimates. These are those He calls His friends. In another place Jesus said, “You are my friends if you do what I command you.” (John 15:14) There are things in the kingdom of God that cannot be under stood unless and until a person is engaging in some act of obedience. Obedience brings light and understanding. Many things cannot be apprehended until one has walked along the path for a while. Many of Jesus’ decrees and leadings seem foolish until one begins to step into obedience. Obedience leads to perspective. Later, Jesus asked His own disciples who they thought He was. After some discussion, Peter spoke and said, “you are the Christ, the son of the Living God.” (Matt 16: 16). Jesus answered, “Blessed are you Simon, son of John, for flesh and blood did not reveal this to you but my Father in Heaven.” (Matt. 16:17) The only way Simon Peter knew Jesus was by revelation, not by natural knowledge. Some things remain hidden until obedience has been walked out. As Jesus had already said, “No one knows the Son except the Father.” (Matt. 11:26) And in John 6: 44 Jesus says, “No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him…” . This is the nature of truth in the kingdom of God. Truth must be revealed but often that revelation comes in the process of taking steps of obedi-
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