Holy Boldness

was not just another promise but the announcement of the event itself. In and through the life of Jesus, the word moved from promise to reality. 6. Jesus defined His mission in terms of salvation and redemp tion but not in the terms of a political ruler whom most Jews expected and hoped for. One commentator insightful ly writes, “One could scarcely imagine a Messianic ideal more entirely removed from nationalistic and political hopes…”. 9 He clearly did not submit himself to the popular expectation of Israel in the first century nor did He allow Himself to be shaped by public 0pinion. He was a man governed by divine purpose and not popular expectations. 7. Furthermore, by claiming to be the fulfillment of this passage, Jesus took upon Himself the assignment of interpreting the passage’s true meaning. Jesus would begin expounding the meaning of this text and so many others by the life He lived. 8. Jesus allowed the scripture and the Spirit to define the param eters of His ministry. This passage would be a guiding light for Jesus’ ministry path. o This passage defines for Jesus who His primary audience would be: the poor, the blind, the captives, the oppressed. o It also defines His message, Jubilee! This phrase, “ the fa vorable year of the Lord ” was a Jewish idiom for the year of Jubilee which was a cyclical 50-year cancelation of debts. Jesus would bring an understanding and fulfillment of Jubilee beyond anyone’s expectations. o The passage Jesus read clearly outlines the mode of opera tion that Jesus would follow. He would be a proclaimer, a deliverer, and a healer.

Owning One’s identity in Context of Family

Perhaps the most provocative thing Jesus did on this occasion was to make this daring announcement in his hometown. Announcing things

France, R. T. Jesus and the Old Testament The Tyndale


Press, London p. 135


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