Holy Boldness
things. If God does not find pleasure in it, then we should not be en gaged with it. Temptations usually come at us that appeal to our personal ambitions or self-protection or fantasy. These will cause us to stumble every time unless we live under the fear of the Lord. Getting something for nothing is never ultimately blessed. When poverty-minded people win the lottery, it is usually only a matter of a few years before they are bankrupt again and in deeper poverty. That is because they do not have the character to maintain it. God’s intention in all His dealings with us is to raise us up into a person fully qualified to walk in authority and power. By cultivating the fear of the Lord, by learning what God loves and aligning our lives with it, we will begin to grow “in favor with God and man.” And when the devil had ended every temptation, he departed from him until an opportune time. (Luke 4:13) The temptations were over… for the moment. But Luke clearly indicates that the temptations of Jesus were just the preliminaries. There would be more tests and challenges. But these set the precedent of Jesus’ wisdom and complete obedience. He had set a course for himself. He was challenged about His identity and He passed His test with wisdom and eloquence. Luke adds a concluding remark to the temptation nar rative, “Jesus returned to Galilee in the power of the Spirit, and news about Him spread through all the surrounding district. And He began teaching in their synagogues and was praised by all.” (Luke 4:14-15). He went into the wilderness “full of the Spirit” and came out of it “in the power of the Spirit.” Power results from passing tests! Opportune Time
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