Holy Boldness

During His days of ministry, He did not do miracles to gain popularity. As a matter of fact, He often sought to dissuade people from broadcasting the miracles He had performed on their behalf. Popularity, more often than not, hindered Jesus rather than helped Him. Jesus did not need the people’s favor to do God’s will. Now when he was in Jerusalem…, many believed in his name when they saw the signs that he was doing. But Jesus on his part did not entrust himself to them, because he knew all people and needed no one to bear witness about man, for he himself knew what was in man. (John 2:23-25) I have seen many so-called ministers put God to the test in very foolish and presumptive ways in order to prove God. God does not do works to prove himself to us. He does works to establish His purposes and to get things accomplished. Popular opinion for or against God does not affect what He does. He knows that man is fickle. He knows that people’s opinions can change in an instant. Acting presumptuously is often labeled “faith” but actually, it is based on fear. People don’t want to take the time to hear from God so they jump out and do something rash in order to force God’s hand. Sometimes, Christians act because they do not know what else to do. God is there for His people and He is more than willing to help but often God’s people are not led by the Spirit; they are led by desperation or the need to do something religious to build a following. King Saul fell into this trap when he presumptuously offered a sacrifice, not waiting for Samuel, because he saw the people running from him. Many are trying to get some action out of God to see if He is still on their side but do not know how to be still. Many followers of Jesus do not know how to wait on God so that things are made ready. Many jump too soon before all has been prepared. All such presumption brings delay and not advance. God responds actively to the obedience of faith. Sometimes, however, God’s silence is a test. Waiting on God to act in our behalf is a profound privilege. It is not considered “waiting on God” if God is waiting on you. But if you have done what He has asked, then you can rest assured that He has acknowledged it and is preparing a response to it. When a person is not assured of his or her identity then foolish notions enter their minds to try to find some basis for continuing. Many are desperate for proof that God is still with them. But every great


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