Holy Boldness
Chapter 7 T he T emptations of J esus and the F ear of the L ord
There is a familiar Christian saying that goes like this: “New levels, new devils.” The Baptism of Jesus was a new level for Jesus involving a public declaration from Heaven of God’s approval of Jesus as His son. Interestingly, Satan’s temptations revolved around that public endorsement of Jesus’ status before God. The temptations of Jesus are a profound study in the fear of the Lord all by themselves because Satan targeted Jesus’ identity as a son. Each temptation Satan leveled against Jesus was essentially an attempt to cause Jesus to assert an act of indepen dence from the Father. But as we have seen, the fear of the Lord is the exact opposite; it is to live in deep dependence, trust and focus on the Lord. Three times Satan came to Jesus to tempt Him but each time Jesus answered Satan’s temptations with scripture. As soon as He was baptized, Matthew writes, “Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.” (Matt. 4:1). Satan’s temptations all revolve around Jesus’ identity and mission. It is as if Satan takes God’s very words spoken over the son, “You are my son in whom I am well pleased,” and uses them to taunt Jesus. “If you are the son of God…” (Matt. 4:3, 6). This simple endorsement from the Father provoked a confrontation with the Devil. All three accounts of the temptations read that the purpose of Jesus going into the wilderness was specifically to be tempted by the devil? So why did the Spirit of God lead Jesus into the wilderness for such a trial? Jesus was being led into a proving ground. He was not set up for a defeat but for victory and a victory all the more impressive in light of being stripped of all-natural power through a 40 day fast. Jesus’ obedi- Why does God allow us to be tested?
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