Holy Boldness

ruler in Israel; His goings forth are from long ago, from the days of eternity.” (Micah 5:2). So what might have been seen as an inconvenience was the fulfillment of prophecy. The movements of God’s purposes often seem to be filled with tangents and out-of-the-way places, but God weaves His story through many diverse places and people.

Supernatural and natural come together

Perhaps Mary and Joseph were aware of this prophecy. Perhaps they were not. No doubt the scriptures took on new meaning for them knowing that their own lives were at the center of the most anticipated event in Israel’s long and profound history. In the normal course of governmental decrees, prophecy was being fulfilled. This is an example of earth’s cooperation with Heaven without anyone being aware. As the book of Daniel reminds us, “God rules in the affairs of men.” (v. 4:17) While the couple was in Bethlehem, the days were fulfilled for Mary to give birth. There were complications and inconveniences. For instance, “…there was no room found for them in the inn.” (Luke 2:7) And so they were forced to find lodging in a stable and lay Jesus in a manger wrapped in rags. Not a very fitting setting for the birth of the King of kings. But these humble circumstances were the simple backdrop for God’s extraordinary dealings with man. The supernatural is often framed in the common. While they were there and unbeknownst to them, an angel was sent to a group of shepherds in a nearby field with an astounding announcement: “Do not be afraid; for behold I bring you good news of great joy which will be for all the people; for today in the city of David (Bethlehem) there have been born for you a Savior who is Christ the Lord.” (Luke 2:8-14) Shepherds were among the lowest class of people in Israel. But they were faithful to their task, “… watching over their flocks by night.” They were invited to take front row seats to the most incredible event in history. It is consistent with the nature of God who draws near to the humble but resists the proud. Momentous things are always happening in obscure out of the way places. This is consistent with the primary message of the Gospel itself, that the great God of the universe cared for sinful and broken mankind. Whose invited?


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