Holy Boldness
process of bringing Christ into the world. It was not a simple decision to take on the responsibility. There was a reason God chose these two people to carry His eternal purpose along. They possessed the character to be able to make the decisions and to navigate the implications of this work of God. When the word becomes flesh, there are always many complica tions. God’s intervention into the affairs of men always brings disruption even when it seems obscure and hidden. The fear of the Lord was what enabled Mary and Joseph to walk out their journey without stumbling. Obedience to God always involves one’s reputation among men. The church must come to the place where it seeks the endorsement of God above all others. Like Mary, the church must seek to “find favor with God.” This is the fear of the Lord and it is the only deterrent to compromise with the spirit of the age. Walking in the fear of the Lord involves living for God’s pleasure even at one’s own expense. Mary and Joseph typify what the church is meant to be. God wants to reproduce the nature of His Son in and through His people. This does not happen without supernatural intervention. God must be involved in reproducing His son among His people. God’s people must become pregnant with the Holy Seed of God’s word. That means that changes will manifest that no man can take credit for. Too often the people of God are unwilling to endure the scandal or inconvenience of a “pregnancy”. Many Christians today want a non-committal relationship with God that will do little to affect their life’s rhythm and direction. When God moves in, everything changes and people notice. Further more, many leaders in the church are embarrassed by those people who are pregnant with a move of God offering no shelter or protection. Many leaders of the church are offended by the virgin birth of Christ when it happens in their congregation. God is looking for the households of faith that will receive, nurture and cherish the work of His spirit. Leaders need to learn to recognize the divine activity in their midst and give those who are carrying the work of God in their womb safety and legitimacy. Without it, many movements are aborted. Scandal: the market price for a move of God
This is why it is so significant that we give God access to our
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