Holy Boldness
obedience that cannot be discovered any other way. My friend, Ron King likes to say, “ Obedience is God’s love language!” Through obedience, we come to understand why God does what He does. Friends don’t merely know His acts but they began to comprehend His ways. More than understanding, they have a deep affinity to the ways of God. They have been fully reconciled to the ways of the Lord. What Jesus is doing in the earth is not easy. Jesus is doing far more than starting churches. He seeks to disciple nations. He still carries a burden. Whenever the Lord wants to do something in an area, He releases a burden on people to pray. Prayer is the beginning of a movement of God. To believe that things can change and to receive a burden of prayer about it is what it means to stand with Jesus in his trials. Obviously, it is not quite the same as what the disciples were doing when Jesus walked the earth. And yet, the thing He was starting to do then, He is still doing now. What is the burden of the Lord? Do you remember the first recorded words of Jesus? “Did you not know that I must be about my Father’s business?” Doing the Father’s will was Jesus’ deeply felt obligation even when He was twelve years old. He never diverted from it. The Father’s will is contrary to the will of the nations. Therefore the nations must be disciplined in the ways of Jesus. The burden remains. Jesus continues to look for friends who will join Him in His mission. Are you a friend of God? The fear of the Lord will lead you into this friendship. There is no other way. The fear of the Lord governed Jesus’ life while He was on the earth. The fear of the Lord dials us in on His heart. I trust you have benefitted from this study on the fear of the Lord. In the next book, we will explore more specifically the nature of the Kingdom and how it conflicts with the spirit of the age. The Battle continues because Jesus will not cease to stir up His friends until the earth is filled with His glory. What’s it going to take to get the job done?
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