Holy Boldness

things and learn things that are new to me.

If the church is going to seriously seek God for answers it must learn to relate to Him as a child relates to a father and humble itself in the process, knowing that God deliberately conceals truths from the proud. This reality should inspire a much more acute pursuit of genuine humility. This is the number one component and qualification for being enlisted in the school of Christ. The greatest hindrance to true learning is presumption and the truest guarantee of deception is pride. To be childlike is to be without ulterior motive and motive is always a key factor in all of Jesus’ teaching. Jesus taught that the pure in heart would see God as well as be seen by God which is even more important. That is why God reveals His greatest secrets to those who are childlike. The deepest, most significant truths are hidden from the power brokers . They are revealed to the babes. If a person is going to discern the fear of the Lord, and thereby access true discernment, one must become like a child. That is why King David addressed the children so long ago, “Come, my children, listen to me and I will teach you the fear of the Lord.” That means becoming teachable, impressionable, and moldable. Vulnerability is critical to becoming like Jesus. The fear of the Lord is not as much about apprehending truth as it is about being apprehended by truth. In the fear of the Lord, we become the child again and God becomes the father/teacher. Without submission and vulnerability before Him, we will not see Him. What does it mean to become like a child? What is child-like ness? It is recovered innocence and hope-filled expectation. It is the ability to return to a clean slate as if one had nothing to hold them back and no negative experience to quench one’s expectation for life. It is the ability to hear something fantastic and believe that it could be true. It is to experience freedom from limitations. It is the ability to be taught and to stand in awe and wonder at the truth. It is the ability to believe what one is being told. Childlikeness accepts that life is a mystery. It includes the humil ity of teachability. It listens attentively. It maintains a high expectation of blessing. It is not easily discouraged when plans do not work out. It keeps looking for solutions rather than reasons for despair. Childlikeness is a kingdom prerequisite. A person cannot enter into the kingdom

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